Model Input Parameters: ROMS/TOMS version 3.7 Wednesday - March 16, 2022 - 4:44:29 AM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- First LiveOcean input file Operating system : Linux CPU/hardware : x86_64 Compiler system : ifort Compiler command : mpiifort Compiler flags : -heap-arrays -fp-model precise -I/gscratch/macc/local/netcdf-ifort/include -I/gscratch/macc/local/netcdf-ifort/include -ip -O2 -free -free Input Script : SVN Root URL : SVN Revision : 824M Local Root : /mmfs1/gscratch/macc/parker/LiveOcean_roms/LO_ROMS Header Dir : /gscratch/macc/parker/LiveOcean_roms/makefiles/u0kb Header file : u0kb.h Analytical Dir: /gscratch/macc/parker/LiveOcean_roms/makefiles/u0kb Resolution, Grid 01: 0661x1300x030, Parallel Nodes: 400, Tiling: 020x020 Physical Parameters, Grid: 01 ============================= 2160 ntimes Number of timesteps for 3-D equations. 40.000 dt Timestep size (s) for 3-D equations. 20 ndtfast Number of timesteps for 2-D equations between each 3D timestep. 1 ERstr Starting ensemble/perturbation run number. 1 ERend Ending ensemble/perturbation run number. 0 nrrec Number of restart records to read from disk. T LcycleRST Switch to recycle time-records in restart file. 21600 nRST Number of timesteps between the writing of data into restart fields. 90 ninfo Number of timesteps between print of information to standard output. T ldefout Switch to create a new output NetCDF file(s). 90 nHIS Number of timesteps between the writing fields into history file. 90 ndefHIS Number of timesteps between creation of new history files. 0 nQCK Number of timesteps between the writing fields into quicksave file. 2.0000E+00 nl_tnu2(01) NLM Horizontal, harmonic mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 01: temp 2.0000E+00 nl_tnu2(02) NLM Horizontal, harmonic mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 02: salt F LuvSponge Turning OFF sponge on horizontal momentum. F LtracerSponge(01) Turning OFF sponge on tracer 01: temp F LtracerSponge(02) Turning OFF sponge on tracer 02: salt 5.0000E-06 Akt_bak(01) Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 01: temp 5.0000E-06 Akt_bak(02) Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 02: salt 5.0000E-06 Akv_bak Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s) for momentum. 5.0000E-06 Akk_bak Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s) for turbulent energy. 5.0000E-06 Akp_bak Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s) for turbulent generic statistical field. 3.000 gls_p GLS stability exponent. 1.500 gls_m GLS turbulent kinetic energy exponent. -1.000 gls_n GLS turbulent length scale exponent. 7.6000E-06 gls_Kmin GLS minimum value of turbulent kinetic energy. 1.0000E-12 gls_Pmin GLS minimum value of dissipation. 5.4770E-01 gls_cmu0 GLS stability coefficient. 1.4400E+00 gls_c1 GLS shear production coefficient. 1.9200E+00 gls_c2 GLS dissipation coefficient. -4.0000E-01 gls_c3m GLS stable buoyancy production coefficient. 1.0000E+00 gls_c3p GLS unstable buoyancy production coefficient. 1.0000E+00 gls_sigk GLS constant Schmidt number for TKE. 1.3000E+00 gls_sigp GLS constant Schmidt number for PSI. 1400.000 charnok_alpha Charnok factor for Zos calculation. 0.500 zos_hsig_alpha Factor for Zos calculation using Hsig(Awave). 0.250 sz_alpha Factor for Wave dissipation surface tke flux . 100.000 crgban_cw Factor for Craig/Banner surface tke flux. 3.0000E-04 rdrg Linear bottom drag coefficient (m/s). 3.0000E-03 rdrg2 Quadratic bottom drag coefficient. 2.0000E-02 Zob Bottom roughness (m). 2.0000E-02 Zos Surface roughness (m). 2.0000E+00 blk_ZQ Height (m) of surface air humidity measurement. 2.0000E+00 blk_ZT Height (m) of surface air temperature measurement. 1.0000E+01 blk_ZW Height (m) of surface winds measurement. 5 lmd_Jwt Jerlov water type. 2 Vtransform S-coordinate transformation equation. 4 Vstretching S-coordinate stretching function. 4.0000E+00 theta_s S-coordinate surface control parameter. 2.0000E+00 theta_b S-coordinate bottom control parameter. 10.000 Tcline S-coordinate surface/bottom layer width (m) used in vertical coordinate stretching. 1023.700 rho0 Mean density (kg/m3) for Boussinesq approximation. 19069.000 dstart Time-stamp assigned to model initialization (days). 8035.000 tide_start Reference time origin for tidal forcing (days). 19700101.00 time_ref Reference time for units attribute (yyyymmdd.dd) 3.0000E+00 Tnudg(01) Nudging/relaxation time scale (days) for tracer 01: temp 3.0000E+00 Tnudg(02) Nudging/relaxation time scale (days) for tracer 02: salt 3.0000E+00 Znudg Nudging/relaxation time scale (days) for free-surface. 3.0000E+00 M2nudg Nudging/relaxation time scale (days) for 2D momentum. 3.0000E+00 M3nudg Nudging/relaxation time scale (days) for 3D momentum. 4.0000E+00 obcfac Factor between passive and active open boundary conditions. F VolCons(1) NLM western edge boundary volume conservation. F VolCons(2) NLM southern edge boundary volume conservation. F VolCons(3) NLM eastern edge boundary volume conservation. F VolCons(4) NLM northern edge boundary volume conservation. 10.000 T0 Background potential temperature (C) constant. 35.000 S0 Background salinity (PSU) constant. -1.000 gamma2 Slipperiness variable: free-slip (1.0) or no-slip (-1.0). T LuvSrc Turning ON momentum point Sources/Sinks. F LwSrc Turning OFF volume influx point Sources/Sinks. T LtracerSrc(01) Turning ON point Sources/Sinks on tracer 01: temp T LtracerSrc(02) Turning ON point Sources/Sinks on tracer 02: salt T LsshCLM Turning ON processing of SSH climatology. T Lm2CLM Turning ON processing of 2D momentum climatology. T Lm3CLM Turning ON processing of 3D momentum climatology. T LtracerCLM(01) Turning ON processing of climatology tracer 01: temp T LtracerCLM(02) Turning ON processing of climatology tracer 02: salt T LnudgeM2CLM Turning ON nudging of 2D momentum climatology. T LnudgeM3CLM Turning ON nudging of 3D momentum climatology. T LnudgeTCLM(01) Turning ON nudging of climatology tracer 01: temp T LnudgeTCLM(02) Turning ON nudging of climatology tracer 02: salt T Hout(idFsur) Write out free-surface. T Hout(idUbar) Write out 2D U-momentum component. T Hout(idVbar) Write out 2D V-momentum component. T Hout(idUvel) Write out 3D U-momentum component. T Hout(idVvel) Write out 3D V-momentum component. T Hout(idWvel) Write out W-momentum component. T Hout(idTvar) Write out tracer 01: temp T Hout(idTvar) Write out tracer 02: salt T Hout(idUsms) Write out surface U-momentum stress. T Hout(idVsms) Write out surface V-momentum stress. T Hout(idUbms) Write out bottom U-momentum stress. T Hout(idVbms) Write out bottom V-momentum stress. T Hout(idPair) Write out surface air pressure. T Hout(idUair) Write out surface U-wind component. T Hout(idVair) Write out surface V-wind component. T Hout(idTsur) Write out surface net heat flux. T Hout(idTsur) Write out surface net salt flux. T Hout(idSrad) Write out shortwave radiation flux. T Hout(idLrad) Write out longwave radiation flux. T Hout(idLhea) Write out latent heat flux. T Hout(idShea) Write out sensible heat flux. T Hout(idDano) Write out density anomaly. T Hout(idVvis) Write out vertical viscosity: AKv. T Hout(idSdif) Write out vertical diffusion: AKt(isalt). 1 shuffle NetCDF-4/HDF5 file format shuffle filer flag. 1 deflate NetCDF-4/HDF5 file format deflate filer flag. 1 deflate_level NetCDF-4/HDF5 file format deflate level parameter. Output/Input Files: Output Restart File: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_roms/cas6_v0_u0kb/f2022.03.18/ Prefix for History Files: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_roms/cas6_v0_u0kb/f2022.03.18/ocean_his Input Grid File: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_data/grids/cas6/ Input Nonlinear Initial File: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_roms/cas6_v0_u0kb/f2022.03.17/ Input Sources/Sinks File: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_output/forcing/cas6_v0/f2022.03.18/riv0/ Input Forcing File 01: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_output/forcing/cas6_v0/f2022.03.18/tide0/ Input Forcing File 02: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_output/forcing/cas6_v0/f2022.03.18/atm0/ Input Forcing File 03: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_output/forcing/cas6_v0/f2022.03.18/atm0/ Input Forcing File 04: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_output/forcing/cas6_v0/f2022.03.18/atm0/ Input Forcing File 05: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_output/forcing/cas6_v0/f2022.03.18/atm0/ Input Forcing File 06: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_output/forcing/cas6_v0/f2022.03.18/atm0/ Input Forcing File 07: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_output/forcing/cas6_v0/f2022.03.18/atm0/ Input Forcing File 08: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_output/forcing/cas6_v0/f2022.03.18/atm0/ Input Forcing File 09: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_output/forcing/cas6_v0/f2022.03.18/atm0/ Input Climatology File: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_output/forcing/cas6_v0/f2022.03.18/ocn0/ Input Nudge Coefficients File: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_data/grids/cas6/ Input Boundary File: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_output/forcing/cas6_v0/f2022.03.18/ocn0/ Biology Parameters File: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_roms/cas6_v0_u0kb/f2022.03.18/ Tile partition information for Grid 01: 0661x1300x0030 tiling: 020x020 tile Istr Iend Jstr Jend Npts 0 1 25 1 65 48750 1 26 59 1 65 66300 2 60 93 1 65 66300 3 94 127 1 65 66300 4 128 161 1 65 66300 5 162 195 1 65 66300 6 196 229 1 65 66300 7 230 263 1 65 66300 8 264 297 1 65 66300 9 298 331 1 65 66300 10 332 365 1 65 66300 11 366 399 1 65 66300 12 400 433 1 65 66300 13 434 467 1 65 66300 14 468 501 1 65 66300 15 502 535 1 65 66300 16 536 569 1 65 66300 17 570 603 1 65 66300 18 604 637 1 65 66300 19 638 661 1 65 46800 20 1 25 66 130 48750 21 26 59 66 130 66300 22 60 93 66 130 66300 23 94 127 66 130 66300 24 128 161 66 130 66300 25 162 195 66 130 66300 26 196 229 66 130 66300 27 230 263 66 130 66300 28 264 297 66 130 66300 29 298 331 66 130 66300 30 332 365 66 130 66300 31 366 399 66 130 66300 32 400 433 66 130 66300 33 434 467 66 130 66300 34 468 501 66 130 66300 35 502 535 66 130 66300 36 536 569 66 130 66300 37 570 603 66 130 66300 38 604 637 66 130 66300 39 638 661 66 130 46800 40 1 25 131 195 48750 41 26 59 131 195 66300 42 60 93 131 195 66300 43 94 127 131 195 66300 44 128 161 131 195 66300 45 162 195 131 195 66300 46 196 229 131 195 66300 47 230 263 131 195 66300 48 264 297 131 195 66300 49 298 331 131 195 66300 50 332 365 131 195 66300 51 366 399 131 195 66300 52 400 433 131 195 66300 53 434 467 131 195 66300 54 468 501 131 195 66300 55 502 535 131 195 66300 56 536 569 131 195 66300 57 570 603 131 195 66300 58 604 637 131 195 66300 59 638 661 131 195 46800 60 1 25 196 260 48750 61 26 59 196 260 66300 62 60 93 196 260 66300 63 94 127 196 260 66300 64 128 161 196 260 66300 65 162 195 196 260 66300 66 196 229 196 260 66300 67 230 263 196 260 66300 68 264 297 196 260 66300 69 298 331 196 260 66300 70 332 365 196 260 66300 71 366 399 196 260 66300 72 400 433 196 260 66300 73 434 467 196 260 66300 74 468 501 196 260 66300 75 502 535 196 260 66300 76 536 569 196 260 66300 77 570 603 196 260 66300 78 604 637 196 260 66300 79 638 661 196 260 46800 80 1 25 261 325 48750 81 26 59 261 325 66300 82 60 93 261 325 66300 83 94 127 261 325 66300 84 128 161 261 325 66300 85 162 195 261 325 66300 86 196 229 261 325 66300 87 230 263 261 325 66300 88 264 297 261 325 66300 89 298 331 261 325 66300 90 332 365 261 325 66300 91 366 399 261 325 66300 92 400 433 261 325 66300 93 434 467 261 325 66300 94 468 501 261 325 66300 95 502 535 261 325 66300 96 536 569 261 325 66300 97 570 603 261 325 66300 98 604 637 261 325 66300 99 638 661 261 325 46800 100 1 25 326 390 48750 101 26 59 326 390 66300 102 60 93 326 390 66300 103 94 127 326 390 66300 104 128 161 326 390 66300 105 162 195 326 390 66300 106 196 229 326 390 66300 107 230 263 326 390 66300 108 264 297 326 390 66300 109 298 331 326 390 66300 110 332 365 326 390 66300 111 366 399 326 390 66300 112 400 433 326 390 66300 113 434 467 326 390 66300 114 468 501 326 390 66300 115 502 535 326 390 66300 116 536 569 326 390 66300 117 570 603 326 390 66300 118 604 637 326 390 66300 119 638 661 326 390 46800 120 1 25 391 455 48750 121 26 59 391 455 66300 122 60 93 391 455 66300 123 94 127 391 455 66300 124 128 161 391 455 66300 125 162 195 391 455 66300 126 196 229 391 455 66300 127 230 263 391 455 66300 128 264 297 391 455 66300 129 298 331 391 455 66300 130 332 365 391 455 66300 131 366 399 391 455 66300 132 400 433 391 455 66300 133 434 467 391 455 66300 134 468 501 391 455 66300 135 502 535 391 455 66300 136 536 569 391 455 66300 137 570 603 391 455 66300 138 604 637 391 455 66300 139 638 661 391 455 46800 140 1 25 456 520 48750 141 26 59 456 520 66300 142 60 93 456 520 66300 143 94 127 456 520 66300 144 128 161 456 520 66300 145 162 195 456 520 66300 146 196 229 456 520 66300 147 230 263 456 520 66300 148 264 297 456 520 66300 149 298 331 456 520 66300 150 332 365 456 520 66300 151 366 399 456 520 66300 152 400 433 456 520 66300 153 434 467 456 520 66300 154 468 501 456 520 66300 155 502 535 456 520 66300 156 536 569 456 520 66300 157 570 603 456 520 66300 158 604 637 456 520 66300 159 638 661 456 520 46800 160 1 25 521 585 48750 161 26 59 521 585 66300 162 60 93 521 585 66300 163 94 127 521 585 66300 164 128 161 521 585 66300 165 162 195 521 585 66300 166 196 229 521 585 66300 167 230 263 521 585 66300 168 264 297 521 585 66300 169 298 331 521 585 66300 170 332 365 521 585 66300 171 366 399 521 585 66300 172 400 433 521 585 66300 173 434 467 521 585 66300 174 468 501 521 585 66300 175 502 535 521 585 66300 176 536 569 521 585 66300 177 570 603 521 585 66300 178 604 637 521 585 66300 179 638 661 521 585 46800 180 1 25 586 650 48750 181 26 59 586 650 66300 182 60 93 586 650 66300 183 94 127 586 650 66300 184 128 161 586 650 66300 185 162 195 586 650 66300 186 196 229 586 650 66300 187 230 263 586 650 66300 188 264 297 586 650 66300 189 298 331 586 650 66300 190 332 365 586 650 66300 191 366 399 586 650 66300 192 400 433 586 650 66300 193 434 467 586 650 66300 194 468 501 586 650 66300 195 502 535 586 650 66300 196 536 569 586 650 66300 197 570 603 586 650 66300 198 604 637 586 650 66300 199 638 661 586 650 46800 200 1 25 651 715 48750 201 26 59 651 715 66300 202 60 93 651 715 66300 203 94 127 651 715 66300 204 128 161 651 715 66300 205 162 195 651 715 66300 206 196 229 651 715 66300 207 230 263 651 715 66300 208 264 297 651 715 66300 209 298 331 651 715 66300 210 332 365 651 715 66300 211 366 399 651 715 66300 212 400 433 651 715 66300 213 434 467 651 715 66300 214 468 501 651 715 66300 215 502 535 651 715 66300 216 536 569 651 715 66300 217 570 603 651 715 66300 218 604 637 651 715 66300 219 638 661 651 715 46800 220 1 25 716 780 48750 221 26 59 716 780 66300 222 60 93 716 780 66300 223 94 127 716 780 66300 224 128 161 716 780 66300 225 162 195 716 780 66300 226 196 229 716 780 66300 227 230 263 716 780 66300 228 264 297 716 780 66300 229 298 331 716 780 66300 230 332 365 716 780 66300 231 366 399 716 780 66300 232 400 433 716 780 66300 233 434 467 716 780 66300 234 468 501 716 780 66300 235 502 535 716 780 66300 236 536 569 716 780 66300 237 570 603 716 780 66300 238 604 637 716 780 66300 239 638 661 716 780 46800 240 1 25 781 845 48750 241 26 59 781 845 66300 242 60 93 781 845 66300 243 94 127 781 845 66300 244 128 161 781 845 66300 245 162 195 781 845 66300 246 196 229 781 845 66300 247 230 263 781 845 66300 248 264 297 781 845 66300 249 298 331 781 845 66300 250 332 365 781 845 66300 251 366 399 781 845 66300 252 400 433 781 845 66300 253 434 467 781 845 66300 254 468 501 781 845 66300 255 502 535 781 845 66300 256 536 569 781 845 66300 257 570 603 781 845 66300 258 604 637 781 845 66300 259 638 661 781 845 46800 260 1 25 846 910 48750 261 26 59 846 910 66300 262 60 93 846 910 66300 263 94 127 846 910 66300 264 128 161 846 910 66300 265 162 195 846 910 66300 266 196 229 846 910 66300 267 230 263 846 910 66300 268 264 297 846 910 66300 269 298 331 846 910 66300 270 332 365 846 910 66300 271 366 399 846 910 66300 272 400 433 846 910 66300 273 434 467 846 910 66300 274 468 501 846 910 66300 275 502 535 846 910 66300 276 536 569 846 910 66300 277 570 603 846 910 66300 278 604 637 846 910 66300 279 638 661 846 910 46800 280 1 25 911 975 48750 281 26 59 911 975 66300 282 60 93 911 975 66300 283 94 127 911 975 66300 284 128 161 911 975 66300 285 162 195 911 975 66300 286 196 229 911 975 66300 287 230 263 911 975 66300 288 264 297 911 975 66300 289 298 331 911 975 66300 290 332 365 911 975 66300 291 366 399 911 975 66300 292 400 433 911 975 66300 293 434 467 911 975 66300 294 468 501 911 975 66300 295 502 535 911 975 66300 296 536 569 911 975 66300 297 570 603 911 975 66300 298 604 637 911 975 66300 299 638 661 911 975 46800 300 1 25 976 1040 48750 301 26 59 976 1040 66300 302 60 93 976 1040 66300 303 94 127 976 1040 66300 304 128 161 976 1040 66300 305 162 195 976 1040 66300 306 196 229 976 1040 66300 307 230 263 976 1040 66300 308 264 297 976 1040 66300 309 298 331 976 1040 66300 310 332 365 976 1040 66300 311 366 399 976 1040 66300 312 400 433 976 1040 66300 313 434 467 976 1040 66300 314 468 501 976 1040 66300 315 502 535 976 1040 66300 316 536 569 976 1040 66300 317 570 603 976 1040 66300 318 604 637 976 1040 66300 319 638 661 976 1040 46800 320 1 25 1041 1105 48750 321 26 59 1041 1105 66300 322 60 93 1041 1105 66300 323 94 127 1041 1105 66300 324 128 161 1041 1105 66300 325 162 195 1041 1105 66300 326 196 229 1041 1105 66300 327 230 263 1041 1105 66300 328 264 297 1041 1105 66300 329 298 331 1041 1105 66300 330 332 365 1041 1105 66300 331 366 399 1041 1105 66300 332 400 433 1041 1105 66300 333 434 467 1041 1105 66300 334 468 501 1041 1105 66300 335 502 535 1041 1105 66300 336 536 569 1041 1105 66300 337 570 603 1041 1105 66300 338 604 637 1041 1105 66300 339 638 661 1041 1105 46800 340 1 25 1106 1170 48750 341 26 59 1106 1170 66300 342 60 93 1106 1170 66300 343 94 127 1106 1170 66300 344 128 161 1106 1170 66300 345 162 195 1106 1170 66300 346 196 229 1106 1170 66300 347 230 263 1106 1170 66300 348 264 297 1106 1170 66300 349 298 331 1106 1170 66300 350 332 365 1106 1170 66300 351 366 399 1106 1170 66300 352 400 433 1106 1170 66300 353 434 467 1106 1170 66300 354 468 501 1106 1170 66300 355 502 535 1106 1170 66300 356 536 569 1106 1170 66300 357 570 603 1106 1170 66300 358 604 637 1106 1170 66300 359 638 661 1106 1170 46800 360 1 25 1171 1235 48750 361 26 59 1171 1235 66300 362 60 93 1171 1235 66300 363 94 127 1171 1235 66300 364 128 161 1171 1235 66300 365 162 195 1171 1235 66300 366 196 229 1171 1235 66300 367 230 263 1171 1235 66300 368 264 297 1171 1235 66300 369 298 331 1171 1235 66300 370 332 365 1171 1235 66300 371 366 399 1171 1235 66300 372 400 433 1171 1235 66300 373 434 467 1171 1235 66300 374 468 501 1171 1235 66300 375 502 535 1171 1235 66300 376 536 569 1171 1235 66300 377 570 603 1171 1235 66300 378 604 637 1171 1235 66300 379 638 661 1171 1235 46800 380 1 25 1236 1300 48750 381 26 59 1236 1300 66300 382 60 93 1236 1300 66300 383 94 127 1236 1300 66300 384 128 161 1236 1300 66300 385 162 195 1236 1300 66300 386 196 229 1236 1300 66300 387 230 263 1236 1300 66300 388 264 297 1236 1300 66300 389 298 331 1236 1300 66300 390 332 365 1236 1300 66300 391 366 399 1236 1300 66300 392 400 433 1236 1300 66300 393 434 467 1236 1300 66300 394 468 501 1236 1300 66300 395 502 535 1236 1300 66300 396 536 569 1236 1300 66300 397 570 603 1236 1300 66300 398 604 637 1236 1300 66300 399 638 661 1236 1300 46800 Tile minimum and maximum fractional coordinates for Grid 01: (interior points only) tile Xmin Xmax Ymin Ymax grid 0 0.50 25.50 0.50 65.50 RHO-points 1 25.50 59.50 0.50 65.50 RHO-points 2 59.50 93.50 0.50 65.50 RHO-points 3 93.50 127.50 0.50 65.50 RHO-points 4 127.50 161.50 0.50 65.50 RHO-points 5 161.50 195.50 0.50 65.50 RHO-points 6 195.50 229.50 0.50 65.50 RHO-points 7 229.50 263.50 0.50 65.50 RHO-points 8 263.50 297.50 0.50 65.50 RHO-points 9 297.50 331.50 0.50 65.50 RHO-points 10 331.50 365.50 0.50 65.50 RHO-points 11 365.50 399.50 0.50 65.50 RHO-points 12 399.50 433.50 0.50 65.50 RHO-points 13 433.50 467.50 0.50 65.50 RHO-points 14 467.50 501.50 0.50 65.50 RHO-points 15 501.50 535.50 0.50 65.50 RHO-points 16 535.50 569.50 0.50 65.50 RHO-points 17 569.50 603.50 0.50 65.50 RHO-points 18 603.50 637.50 0.50 65.50 RHO-points 19 637.50 661.50 0.50 65.50 RHO-points 20 0.50 25.50 65.50 130.50 RHO-points 21 25.50 59.50 65.50 130.50 RHO-points 22 59.50 93.50 65.50 130.50 RHO-points 23 93.50 127.50 65.50 130.50 RHO-points 24 127.50 161.50 65.50 130.50 RHO-points 25 161.50 195.50 65.50 130.50 RHO-points 26 195.50 229.50 65.50 130.50 RHO-points 27 229.50 263.50 65.50 130.50 RHO-points 28 263.50 297.50 65.50 130.50 RHO-points 29 297.50 331.50 65.50 130.50 RHO-points 30 331.50 365.50 65.50 130.50 RHO-points 31 365.50 399.50 65.50 130.50 RHO-points 32 399.50 433.50 65.50 130.50 RHO-points 33 433.50 467.50 65.50 130.50 RHO-points 34 467.50 501.50 65.50 130.50 RHO-points 35 501.50 535.50 65.50 130.50 RHO-points 36 535.50 569.50 65.50 130.50 RHO-points 37 569.50 603.50 65.50 130.50 RHO-points 38 603.50 637.50 65.50 130.50 RHO-points 39 637.50 661.50 65.50 130.50 RHO-points 40 0.50 25.50 130.50 195.50 RHO-points 41 25.50 59.50 130.50 195.50 RHO-points 42 59.50 93.50 130.50 195.50 RHO-points 43 93.50 127.50 130.50 195.50 RHO-points 44 127.50 161.50 130.50 195.50 RHO-points 45 161.50 195.50 130.50 195.50 RHO-points 46 195.50 229.50 130.50 195.50 RHO-points 47 229.50 263.50 130.50 195.50 RHO-points 48 263.50 297.50 130.50 195.50 RHO-points 49 297.50 331.50 130.50 195.50 RHO-points 50 331.50 365.50 130.50 195.50 RHO-points 51 365.50 399.50 130.50 195.50 RHO-points 52 399.50 433.50 130.50 195.50 RHO-points 53 433.50 467.50 130.50 195.50 RHO-points 54 467.50 501.50 130.50 195.50 RHO-points 55 501.50 535.50 130.50 195.50 RHO-points 56 535.50 569.50 130.50 195.50 RHO-points 57 569.50 603.50 130.50 195.50 RHO-points 58 603.50 637.50 130.50 195.50 RHO-points 59 637.50 661.50 130.50 195.50 RHO-points 60 0.50 25.50 195.50 260.50 RHO-points 61 25.50 59.50 195.50 260.50 RHO-points 62 59.50 93.50 195.50 260.50 RHO-points 63 93.50 127.50 195.50 260.50 RHO-points 64 127.50 161.50 195.50 260.50 RHO-points 65 161.50 195.50 195.50 260.50 RHO-points 66 195.50 229.50 195.50 260.50 RHO-points 67 229.50 263.50 195.50 260.50 RHO-points 68 263.50 297.50 195.50 260.50 RHO-points 69 297.50 331.50 195.50 260.50 RHO-points 70 331.50 365.50 195.50 260.50 RHO-points 71 365.50 399.50 195.50 260.50 RHO-points 72 399.50 433.50 195.50 260.50 RHO-points 73 433.50 467.50 195.50 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248 263.50 297.50 780.50 845.50 U-points 249 297.50 331.50 780.50 845.50 U-points 250 331.50 365.50 780.50 845.50 U-points 251 365.50 399.50 780.50 845.50 U-points 252 399.50 433.50 780.50 845.50 U-points 253 433.50 467.50 780.50 845.50 U-points 254 467.50 501.50 780.50 845.50 U-points 255 501.50 535.50 780.50 845.50 U-points 256 535.50 569.50 780.50 845.50 U-points 257 569.50 603.50 780.50 845.50 U-points 258 603.50 637.50 780.50 845.50 U-points 259 637.50 661.00 780.50 845.50 U-points 260 1.00 25.50 845.50 910.50 U-points 261 25.50 59.50 845.50 910.50 U-points 262 59.50 93.50 845.50 910.50 U-points 263 93.50 127.50 845.50 910.50 U-points 264 127.50 161.50 845.50 910.50 U-points 265 161.50 195.50 845.50 910.50 U-points 266 195.50 229.50 845.50 910.50 U-points 267 229.50 263.50 845.50 910.50 U-points 268 263.50 297.50 845.50 910.50 U-points 269 297.50 331.50 845.50 910.50 U-points 270 331.50 365.50 845.50 910.50 U-points 271 365.50 399.50 845.50 910.50 U-points 272 399.50 433.50 845.50 910.50 U-points 273 433.50 467.50 845.50 910.50 U-points 274 467.50 501.50 845.50 910.50 U-points 275 501.50 535.50 845.50 910.50 U-points 276 535.50 569.50 845.50 910.50 U-points 277 569.50 603.50 845.50 910.50 U-points 278 603.50 637.50 845.50 910.50 U-points 279 637.50 661.00 845.50 910.50 U-points 280 1.00 25.50 910.50 975.50 U-points 281 25.50 59.50 910.50 975.50 U-points 282 59.50 93.50 910.50 975.50 U-points 283 93.50 127.50 910.50 975.50 U-points 284 127.50 161.50 910.50 975.50 U-points 285 161.50 195.50 910.50 975.50 U-points 286 195.50 229.50 910.50 975.50 U-points 287 229.50 263.50 910.50 975.50 U-points 288 263.50 297.50 910.50 975.50 U-points 289 297.50 331.50 910.50 975.50 U-points 290 331.50 365.50 910.50 975.50 U-points 291 365.50 399.50 910.50 975.50 U-points 292 399.50 433.50 910.50 975.50 U-points 293 433.50 467.50 910.50 975.50 U-points 294 467.50 501.50 910.50 975.50 U-points 295 501.50 535.50 910.50 975.50 U-points 296 535.50 569.50 910.50 975.50 U-points 297 569.50 603.50 910.50 975.50 U-points 298 603.50 637.50 910.50 975.50 U-points 299 637.50 661.00 910.50 975.50 U-points 300 1.00 25.50 975.50 1040.50 U-points 301 25.50 59.50 975.50 1040.50 U-points 302 59.50 93.50 975.50 1040.50 U-points 303 93.50 127.50 975.50 1040.50 U-points 304 127.50 161.50 975.50 1040.50 U-points 305 161.50 195.50 975.50 1040.50 U-points 306 195.50 229.50 975.50 1040.50 U-points 307 229.50 263.50 975.50 1040.50 U-points 308 263.50 297.50 975.50 1040.50 U-points 309 297.50 331.50 975.50 1040.50 U-points 310 331.50 365.50 975.50 1040.50 U-points 311 365.50 399.50 975.50 1040.50 U-points 312 399.50 433.50 975.50 1040.50 U-points 313 433.50 467.50 975.50 1040.50 U-points 314 467.50 501.50 975.50 1040.50 U-points 315 501.50 535.50 975.50 1040.50 U-points 316 535.50 569.50 975.50 1040.50 U-points 317 569.50 603.50 975.50 1040.50 U-points 318 603.50 637.50 975.50 1040.50 U-points 319 637.50 661.00 975.50 1040.50 U-points 320 1.00 25.50 1040.50 1105.50 U-points 321 25.50 59.50 1040.50 1105.50 U-points 322 59.50 93.50 1040.50 1105.50 U-points 323 93.50 127.50 1040.50 1105.50 U-points 324 127.50 161.50 1040.50 1105.50 U-points 325 161.50 195.50 1040.50 1105.50 U-points 326 195.50 229.50 1040.50 1105.50 U-points 327 229.50 263.50 1040.50 1105.50 U-points 328 263.50 297.50 1040.50 1105.50 U-points 329 297.50 331.50 1040.50 1105.50 U-points 330 331.50 365.50 1040.50 1105.50 U-points 331 365.50 399.50 1040.50 1105.50 U-points 332 399.50 433.50 1040.50 1105.50 U-points 333 433.50 467.50 1040.50 1105.50 U-points 334 467.50 501.50 1040.50 1105.50 U-points 335 501.50 535.50 1040.50 1105.50 U-points 336 535.50 569.50 1040.50 1105.50 U-points 337 569.50 603.50 1040.50 1105.50 U-points 338 603.50 637.50 1040.50 1105.50 U-points 339 637.50 661.00 1040.50 1105.50 U-points 340 1.00 25.50 1105.50 1170.50 U-points 341 25.50 59.50 1105.50 1170.50 U-points 342 59.50 93.50 1105.50 1170.50 U-points 343 93.50 127.50 1105.50 1170.50 U-points 344 127.50 161.50 1105.50 1170.50 U-points 345 161.50 195.50 1105.50 1170.50 U-points 346 195.50 229.50 1105.50 1170.50 U-points 347 229.50 263.50 1105.50 1170.50 U-points 348 263.50 297.50 1105.50 1170.50 U-points 349 297.50 331.50 1105.50 1170.50 U-points 350 331.50 365.50 1105.50 1170.50 U-points 351 365.50 399.50 1105.50 1170.50 U-points 352 399.50 433.50 1105.50 1170.50 U-points 353 433.50 467.50 1105.50 1170.50 U-points 354 467.50 501.50 1105.50 1170.50 U-points 355 501.50 535.50 1105.50 1170.50 U-points 356 535.50 569.50 1105.50 1170.50 U-points 357 569.50 603.50 1105.50 1170.50 U-points 358 603.50 637.50 1105.50 1170.50 U-points 359 637.50 661.00 1105.50 1170.50 U-points 360 1.00 25.50 1170.50 1235.50 U-points 361 25.50 59.50 1170.50 1235.50 U-points 362 59.50 93.50 1170.50 1235.50 U-points 363 93.50 127.50 1170.50 1235.50 U-points 364 127.50 161.50 1170.50 1235.50 U-points 365 161.50 195.50 1170.50 1235.50 U-points 366 195.50 229.50 1170.50 1235.50 U-points 367 229.50 263.50 1170.50 1235.50 U-points 368 263.50 297.50 1170.50 1235.50 U-points 369 297.50 331.50 1170.50 1235.50 U-points 370 331.50 365.50 1170.50 1235.50 U-points 371 365.50 399.50 1170.50 1235.50 U-points 372 399.50 433.50 1170.50 1235.50 U-points 373 433.50 467.50 1170.50 1235.50 U-points 374 467.50 501.50 1170.50 1235.50 U-points 375 501.50 535.50 1170.50 1235.50 U-points 376 535.50 569.50 1170.50 1235.50 U-points 377 569.50 603.50 1170.50 1235.50 U-points 378 603.50 637.50 1170.50 1235.50 U-points 379 637.50 661.00 1170.50 1235.50 U-points 380 1.00 25.50 1235.50 1300.50 U-points 381 25.50 59.50 1235.50 1300.50 U-points 382 59.50 93.50 1235.50 1300.50 U-points 383 93.50 127.50 1235.50 1300.50 U-points 384 127.50 161.50 1235.50 1300.50 U-points 385 161.50 195.50 1235.50 1300.50 U-points 386 195.50 229.50 1235.50 1300.50 U-points 387 229.50 263.50 1235.50 1300.50 U-points 388 263.50 297.50 1235.50 1300.50 U-points 389 297.50 331.50 1235.50 1300.50 U-points 390 331.50 365.50 1235.50 1300.50 U-points 391 365.50 399.50 1235.50 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V-points 44 127.50 161.50 130.50 195.50 V-points 45 161.50 195.50 130.50 195.50 V-points 46 195.50 229.50 130.50 195.50 V-points 47 229.50 263.50 130.50 195.50 V-points 48 263.50 297.50 130.50 195.50 V-points 49 297.50 331.50 130.50 195.50 V-points 50 331.50 365.50 130.50 195.50 V-points 51 365.50 399.50 130.50 195.50 V-points 52 399.50 433.50 130.50 195.50 V-points 53 433.50 467.50 130.50 195.50 V-points 54 467.50 501.50 130.50 195.50 V-points 55 501.50 535.50 130.50 195.50 V-points 56 535.50 569.50 130.50 195.50 V-points 57 569.50 603.50 130.50 195.50 V-points 58 603.50 637.50 130.50 195.50 V-points 59 637.50 661.50 130.50 195.50 V-points 60 0.50 25.50 195.50 260.50 V-points 61 25.50 59.50 195.50 260.50 V-points 62 59.50 93.50 195.50 260.50 V-points 63 93.50 127.50 195.50 260.50 V-points 64 127.50 161.50 195.50 260.50 V-points 65 161.50 195.50 195.50 260.50 V-points 66 195.50 229.50 195.50 260.50 V-points 67 229.50 263.50 195.50 260.50 V-points 68 263.50 297.50 195.50 260.50 V-points 69 297.50 331.50 195.50 260.50 V-points 70 331.50 365.50 195.50 260.50 V-points 71 365.50 399.50 195.50 260.50 V-points 72 399.50 433.50 195.50 260.50 V-points 73 433.50 467.50 195.50 260.50 V-points 74 467.50 501.50 195.50 260.50 V-points 75 501.50 535.50 195.50 260.50 V-points 76 535.50 569.50 195.50 260.50 V-points 77 569.50 603.50 195.50 260.50 V-points 78 603.50 637.50 195.50 260.50 V-points 79 637.50 661.50 195.50 260.50 V-points 80 0.50 25.50 260.50 325.50 V-points 81 25.50 59.50 260.50 325.50 V-points 82 59.50 93.50 260.50 325.50 V-points 83 93.50 127.50 260.50 325.50 V-points 84 127.50 161.50 260.50 325.50 V-points 85 161.50 195.50 260.50 325.50 V-points 86 195.50 229.50 260.50 325.50 V-points 87 229.50 263.50 260.50 325.50 V-points 88 263.50 297.50 260.50 325.50 V-points 89 297.50 331.50 260.50 325.50 V-points 90 331.50 365.50 260.50 325.50 V-points 91 365.50 399.50 260.50 325.50 V-points 92 399.50 433.50 260.50 325.50 V-points 93 433.50 467.50 260.50 325.50 V-points 94 467.50 501.50 260.50 325.50 V-points 95 501.50 535.50 260.50 325.50 V-points 96 535.50 569.50 260.50 325.50 V-points 97 569.50 603.50 260.50 325.50 V-points 98 603.50 637.50 260.50 325.50 V-points 99 637.50 661.50 260.50 325.50 V-points 100 0.50 25.50 325.50 390.50 V-points 101 25.50 59.50 325.50 390.50 V-points 102 59.50 93.50 325.50 390.50 V-points 103 93.50 127.50 325.50 390.50 V-points 104 127.50 161.50 325.50 390.50 V-points 105 161.50 195.50 325.50 390.50 V-points 106 195.50 229.50 325.50 390.50 V-points 107 229.50 263.50 325.50 390.50 V-points 108 263.50 297.50 325.50 390.50 V-points 109 297.50 331.50 325.50 390.50 V-points 110 331.50 365.50 325.50 390.50 V-points 111 365.50 399.50 325.50 390.50 V-points 112 399.50 433.50 325.50 390.50 V-points 113 433.50 467.50 325.50 390.50 V-points 114 467.50 501.50 325.50 390.50 V-points 115 501.50 535.50 325.50 390.50 V-points 116 535.50 569.50 325.50 390.50 V-points 117 569.50 603.50 325.50 390.50 V-points 118 603.50 637.50 325.50 390.50 V-points 119 637.50 661.50 325.50 390.50 V-points 120 0.50 25.50 390.50 455.50 V-points 121 25.50 59.50 390.50 455.50 V-points 122 59.50 93.50 390.50 455.50 V-points 123 93.50 127.50 390.50 455.50 V-points 124 127.50 161.50 390.50 455.50 V-points 125 161.50 195.50 390.50 455.50 V-points 126 195.50 229.50 390.50 455.50 V-points 127 229.50 263.50 390.50 455.50 V-points 128 263.50 297.50 390.50 455.50 V-points 129 297.50 331.50 390.50 455.50 V-points 130 331.50 365.50 390.50 455.50 V-points 131 365.50 399.50 390.50 455.50 V-points 132 399.50 433.50 390.50 455.50 V-points 133 433.50 467.50 390.50 455.50 V-points 134 467.50 501.50 390.50 455.50 V-points 135 501.50 535.50 390.50 455.50 V-points 136 535.50 569.50 390.50 455.50 V-points 137 569.50 603.50 390.50 455.50 V-points 138 603.50 637.50 390.50 455.50 V-points 139 637.50 661.50 390.50 455.50 V-points 140 0.50 25.50 455.50 520.50 V-points 141 25.50 59.50 455.50 520.50 V-points 142 59.50 93.50 455.50 520.50 V-points 143 93.50 127.50 455.50 520.50 V-points 144 127.50 161.50 455.50 520.50 V-points 145 161.50 195.50 455.50 520.50 V-points 146 195.50 229.50 455.50 520.50 V-points 147 229.50 263.50 455.50 520.50 V-points 148 263.50 297.50 455.50 520.50 V-points 149 297.50 331.50 455.50 520.50 V-points 150 331.50 365.50 455.50 520.50 V-points 151 365.50 399.50 455.50 520.50 V-points 152 399.50 433.50 455.50 520.50 V-points 153 433.50 467.50 455.50 520.50 V-points 154 467.50 501.50 455.50 520.50 V-points 155 501.50 535.50 455.50 520.50 V-points 156 535.50 569.50 455.50 520.50 V-points 157 569.50 603.50 455.50 520.50 V-points 158 603.50 637.50 455.50 520.50 V-points 159 637.50 661.50 455.50 520.50 V-points 160 0.50 25.50 520.50 585.50 V-points 161 25.50 59.50 520.50 585.50 V-points 162 59.50 93.50 520.50 585.50 V-points 163 93.50 127.50 520.50 585.50 V-points 164 127.50 161.50 520.50 585.50 V-points 165 161.50 195.50 520.50 585.50 V-points 166 195.50 229.50 520.50 585.50 V-points 167 229.50 263.50 520.50 585.50 V-points 168 263.50 297.50 520.50 585.50 V-points 169 297.50 331.50 520.50 585.50 V-points 170 331.50 365.50 520.50 585.50 V-points 171 365.50 399.50 520.50 585.50 V-points 172 399.50 433.50 520.50 585.50 V-points 173 433.50 467.50 520.50 585.50 V-points 174 467.50 501.50 520.50 585.50 V-points 175 501.50 535.50 520.50 585.50 V-points 176 535.50 569.50 520.50 585.50 V-points 177 569.50 603.50 520.50 585.50 V-points 178 603.50 637.50 520.50 585.50 V-points 179 637.50 661.50 520.50 585.50 V-points 180 0.50 25.50 585.50 650.50 V-points 181 25.50 59.50 585.50 650.50 V-points 182 59.50 93.50 585.50 650.50 V-points 183 93.50 127.50 585.50 650.50 V-points 184 127.50 161.50 585.50 650.50 V-points 185 161.50 195.50 585.50 650.50 V-points 186 195.50 229.50 585.50 650.50 V-points 187 229.50 263.50 585.50 650.50 V-points 188 263.50 297.50 585.50 650.50 V-points 189 297.50 331.50 585.50 650.50 V-points 190 331.50 365.50 585.50 650.50 V-points 191 365.50 399.50 585.50 650.50 V-points 192 399.50 433.50 585.50 650.50 V-points 193 433.50 467.50 585.50 650.50 V-points 194 467.50 501.50 585.50 650.50 V-points 195 501.50 535.50 585.50 650.50 V-points 196 535.50 569.50 585.50 650.50 V-points 197 569.50 603.50 585.50 650.50 V-points 198 603.50 637.50 585.50 650.50 V-points 199 637.50 661.50 585.50 650.50 V-points 200 0.50 25.50 650.50 715.50 V-points 201 25.50 59.50 650.50 715.50 V-points 202 59.50 93.50 650.50 715.50 V-points 203 93.50 127.50 650.50 715.50 V-points 204 127.50 161.50 650.50 715.50 V-points 205 161.50 195.50 650.50 715.50 V-points 206 195.50 229.50 650.50 715.50 V-points 207 229.50 263.50 650.50 715.50 V-points 208 263.50 297.50 650.50 715.50 V-points 209 297.50 331.50 650.50 715.50 V-points 210 331.50 365.50 650.50 715.50 V-points 211 365.50 399.50 650.50 715.50 V-points 212 399.50 433.50 650.50 715.50 V-points 213 433.50 467.50 650.50 715.50 V-points 214 467.50 501.50 650.50 715.50 V-points 215 501.50 535.50 650.50 715.50 V-points 216 535.50 569.50 650.50 715.50 V-points 217 569.50 603.50 650.50 715.50 V-points 218 603.50 637.50 650.50 715.50 V-points 219 637.50 661.50 650.50 715.50 V-points 220 0.50 25.50 715.50 780.50 V-points 221 25.50 59.50 715.50 780.50 V-points 222 59.50 93.50 715.50 780.50 V-points 223 93.50 127.50 715.50 780.50 V-points 224 127.50 161.50 715.50 780.50 V-points 225 161.50 195.50 715.50 780.50 V-points 226 195.50 229.50 715.50 780.50 V-points 227 229.50 263.50 715.50 780.50 V-points 228 263.50 297.50 715.50 780.50 V-points 229 297.50 331.50 715.50 780.50 V-points 230 331.50 365.50 715.50 780.50 V-points 231 365.50 399.50 715.50 780.50 V-points 232 399.50 433.50 715.50 780.50 V-points 233 433.50 467.50 715.50 780.50 V-points 234 467.50 501.50 715.50 780.50 V-points 235 501.50 535.50 715.50 780.50 V-points 236 535.50 569.50 715.50 780.50 V-points 237 569.50 603.50 715.50 780.50 V-points 238 603.50 637.50 715.50 780.50 V-points 239 637.50 661.50 715.50 780.50 V-points 240 0.50 25.50 780.50 845.50 V-points 241 25.50 59.50 780.50 845.50 V-points 242 59.50 93.50 780.50 845.50 V-points 243 93.50 127.50 780.50 845.50 V-points 244 127.50 161.50 780.50 845.50 V-points 245 161.50 195.50 780.50 845.50 V-points 246 195.50 229.50 780.50 845.50 V-points 247 229.50 263.50 780.50 845.50 V-points 248 263.50 297.50 780.50 845.50 V-points 249 297.50 331.50 780.50 845.50 V-points 250 331.50 365.50 780.50 845.50 V-points 251 365.50 399.50 780.50 845.50 V-points 252 399.50 433.50 780.50 845.50 V-points 253 433.50 467.50 780.50 845.50 V-points 254 467.50 501.50 780.50 845.50 V-points 255 501.50 535.50 780.50 845.50 V-points 256 535.50 569.50 780.50 845.50 V-points 257 569.50 603.50 780.50 845.50 V-points 258 603.50 637.50 780.50 845.50 V-points 259 637.50 661.50 780.50 845.50 V-points 260 0.50 25.50 845.50 910.50 V-points 261 25.50 59.50 845.50 910.50 V-points 262 59.50 93.50 845.50 910.50 V-points 263 93.50 127.50 845.50 910.50 V-points 264 127.50 161.50 845.50 910.50 V-points 265 161.50 195.50 845.50 910.50 V-points 266 195.50 229.50 845.50 910.50 V-points 267 229.50 263.50 845.50 910.50 V-points 268 263.50 297.50 845.50 910.50 V-points 269 297.50 331.50 845.50 910.50 V-points 270 331.50 365.50 845.50 910.50 V-points 271 365.50 399.50 845.50 910.50 V-points 272 399.50 433.50 845.50 910.50 V-points 273 433.50 467.50 845.50 910.50 V-points 274 467.50 501.50 845.50 910.50 V-points 275 501.50 535.50 845.50 910.50 V-points 276 535.50 569.50 845.50 910.50 V-points 277 569.50 603.50 845.50 910.50 V-points 278 603.50 637.50 845.50 910.50 V-points 279 637.50 661.50 845.50 910.50 V-points 280 0.50 25.50 910.50 975.50 V-points 281 25.50 59.50 910.50 975.50 V-points 282 59.50 93.50 910.50 975.50 V-points 283 93.50 127.50 910.50 975.50 V-points 284 127.50 161.50 910.50 975.50 V-points 285 161.50 195.50 910.50 975.50 V-points 286 195.50 229.50 910.50 975.50 V-points 287 229.50 263.50 910.50 975.50 V-points 288 263.50 297.50 910.50 975.50 V-points 289 297.50 331.50 910.50 975.50 V-points 290 331.50 365.50 910.50 975.50 V-points 291 365.50 399.50 910.50 975.50 V-points 292 399.50 433.50 910.50 975.50 V-points 293 433.50 467.50 910.50 975.50 V-points 294 467.50 501.50 910.50 975.50 V-points 295 501.50 535.50 910.50 975.50 V-points 296 535.50 569.50 910.50 975.50 V-points 297 569.50 603.50 910.50 975.50 V-points 298 603.50 637.50 910.50 975.50 V-points 299 637.50 661.50 910.50 975.50 V-points 300 0.50 25.50 975.50 1040.50 V-points 301 25.50 59.50 975.50 1040.50 V-points 302 59.50 93.50 975.50 1040.50 V-points 303 93.50 127.50 975.50 1040.50 V-points 304 127.50 161.50 975.50 1040.50 V-points 305 161.50 195.50 975.50 1040.50 V-points 306 195.50 229.50 975.50 1040.50 V-points 307 229.50 263.50 975.50 1040.50 V-points 308 263.50 297.50 975.50 1040.50 V-points 309 297.50 331.50 975.50 1040.50 V-points 310 331.50 365.50 975.50 1040.50 V-points 311 365.50 399.50 975.50 1040.50 V-points 312 399.50 433.50 975.50 1040.50 V-points 313 433.50 467.50 975.50 1040.50 V-points 314 467.50 501.50 975.50 1040.50 V-points 315 501.50 535.50 975.50 1040.50 V-points 316 535.50 569.50 975.50 1040.50 V-points 317 569.50 603.50 975.50 1040.50 V-points 318 603.50 637.50 975.50 1040.50 V-points 319 637.50 661.50 975.50 1040.50 V-points 320 0.50 25.50 1040.50 1105.50 V-points 321 25.50 59.50 1040.50 1105.50 V-points 322 59.50 93.50 1040.50 1105.50 V-points 323 93.50 127.50 1040.50 1105.50 V-points 324 127.50 161.50 1040.50 1105.50 V-points 325 161.50 195.50 1040.50 1105.50 V-points 326 195.50 229.50 1040.50 1105.50 V-points 327 229.50 263.50 1040.50 1105.50 V-points 328 263.50 297.50 1040.50 1105.50 V-points 329 297.50 331.50 1040.50 1105.50 V-points 330 331.50 365.50 1040.50 1105.50 V-points 331 365.50 399.50 1040.50 1105.50 V-points 332 399.50 433.50 1040.50 1105.50 V-points 333 433.50 467.50 1040.50 1105.50 V-points 334 467.50 501.50 1040.50 1105.50 V-points 335 501.50 535.50 1040.50 1105.50 V-points 336 535.50 569.50 1040.50 1105.50 V-points 337 569.50 603.50 1040.50 1105.50 V-points 338 603.50 637.50 1040.50 1105.50 V-points 339 637.50 661.50 1040.50 1105.50 V-points 340 0.50 25.50 1105.50 1170.50 V-points 341 25.50 59.50 1105.50 1170.50 V-points 342 59.50 93.50 1105.50 1170.50 V-points 343 93.50 127.50 1105.50 1170.50 V-points 344 127.50 161.50 1105.50 1170.50 V-points 345 161.50 195.50 1105.50 1170.50 V-points 346 195.50 229.50 1105.50 1170.50 V-points 347 229.50 263.50 1105.50 1170.50 V-points 348 263.50 297.50 1105.50 1170.50 V-points 349 297.50 331.50 1105.50 1170.50 V-points 350 331.50 365.50 1105.50 1170.50 V-points 351 365.50 399.50 1105.50 1170.50 V-points 352 399.50 433.50 1105.50 1170.50 V-points 353 433.50 467.50 1105.50 1170.50 V-points 354 467.50 501.50 1105.50 1170.50 V-points 355 501.50 535.50 1105.50 1170.50 V-points 356 535.50 569.50 1105.50 1170.50 V-points 357 569.50 603.50 1105.50 1170.50 V-points 358 603.50 637.50 1105.50 1170.50 V-points 359 637.50 661.50 1105.50 1170.50 V-points 360 0.50 25.50 1170.50 1235.50 V-points 361 25.50 59.50 1170.50 1235.50 V-points 362 59.50 93.50 1170.50 1235.50 V-points 363 93.50 127.50 1170.50 1235.50 V-points 364 127.50 161.50 1170.50 1235.50 V-points 365 161.50 195.50 1170.50 1235.50 V-points 366 195.50 229.50 1170.50 1235.50 V-points 367 229.50 263.50 1170.50 1235.50 V-points 368 263.50 297.50 1170.50 1235.50 V-points 369 297.50 331.50 1170.50 1235.50 V-points 370 331.50 365.50 1170.50 1235.50 V-points 371 365.50 399.50 1170.50 1235.50 V-points 372 399.50 433.50 1170.50 1235.50 V-points 373 433.50 467.50 1170.50 1235.50 V-points 374 467.50 501.50 1170.50 1235.50 V-points 375 501.50 535.50 1170.50 1235.50 V-points 376 535.50 569.50 1170.50 1235.50 V-points 377 569.50 603.50 1170.50 1235.50 V-points 378 603.50 637.50 1170.50 1235.50 V-points 379 637.50 661.50 1170.50 1235.50 V-points 380 0.50 25.50 1235.50 1300.00 V-points 381 25.50 59.50 1235.50 1300.00 V-points 382 59.50 93.50 1235.50 1300.00 V-points 383 93.50 127.50 1235.50 1300.00 V-points 384 127.50 161.50 1235.50 1300.00 V-points 385 161.50 195.50 1235.50 1300.00 V-points 386 195.50 229.50 1235.50 1300.00 V-points 387 229.50 263.50 1235.50 1300.00 V-points 388 263.50 297.50 1235.50 1300.00 V-points 389 297.50 331.50 1235.50 1300.00 V-points 390 331.50 365.50 1235.50 1300.00 V-points 391 365.50 399.50 1235.50 1300.00 V-points 392 399.50 433.50 1235.50 1300.00 V-points 393 433.50 467.50 1235.50 1300.00 V-points 394 467.50 501.50 1235.50 1300.00 V-points 395 501.50 535.50 1235.50 1300.00 V-points 396 535.50 569.50 1235.50 1300.00 V-points 397 569.50 603.50 1235.50 1300.00 V-points 398 603.50 637.50 1235.50 1300.00 V-points 399 637.50 661.50 1235.50 1300.00 V-points Maximum halo size in XI and ETA directions: HaloSizeI(1) = 144 HaloSizeJ(1) = 237 TileSide(1) = 73 TileSize(1) = 3066 Banas NPZDO Model Parameters, Grid: 01 ================================= 1 BioIter Number of iterations for nonlinear convergence. 6.5400E-02 AttSW Light attenuation of seawater (m-1). 4.0000E-02 AttP Light attenuation by chlorophyll (1/(mg_Chl m-2)). 0.0000E+00 nl_tnu2(03) NLM Horizontal, harmonic mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 03: NO3 0.0000E+00 nl_tnu2(04) NLM Horizontal, harmonic mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 04: phytoplankton 0.0000E+00 nl_tnu2(05) NLM Horizontal, harmonic mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 05: zooplankton 0.0000E+00 nl_tnu2(06) NLM Horizontal, harmonic mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 06: detritus 0.0000E+00 nl_tnu2(07) NLM Horizontal, harmonic mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 07: Ldetritus 0.0000E+00 nl_tnu2(08) NLM Horizontal, harmonic mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 08: oxygen 0.0000E+00 nl_tnu2(09) NLM Horizontal, harmonic mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 09: TIC 0.0000E+00 nl_tnu2(10) NLM Horizontal, harmonic mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 10: alkalinity 0.0000E+00 nl_tnu2(11) NLM Horizontal, harmonic mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 11: CaCO3 F LtracerSponge(03) Turning OFF sponge on tracer 03: NO3 F LtracerSponge(04) Turning OFF sponge on tracer 04: phytoplankton F LtracerSponge(05) Turning OFF sponge on tracer 05: zooplankton F LtracerSponge(06) Turning OFF sponge on tracer 06: detritus F LtracerSponge(07) Turning OFF sponge on tracer 07: Ldetritus F LtracerSponge(08) Turning OFF sponge on tracer 08: oxygen F LtracerSponge(09) Turning OFF sponge on tracer 09: TIC F LtracerSponge(10) Turning OFF sponge on tracer 10: alkalinity F LtracerSponge(11) Turning OFF sponge on tracer 11: CaCO3 1.0000E-06 Akt_bak(03) Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 03: NO3 1.0000E-06 Akt_bak(04) Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 04: phytoplankton 1.0000E-06 Akt_bak(05) Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 05: zooplankton 1.0000E-06 Akt_bak(06) Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 06: detritus 1.0000E-06 Akt_bak(07) Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 07: Ldetritus 1.0000E-06 Akt_bak(08) Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 08: oxygen 1.0000E-06 Akt_bak(09) Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 09: TIC 1.0000E-06 Akt_bak(10) Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 10: alkalinity 1.0000E-06 Akt_bak(11) Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 11: CaCO3 3.0000E+00 Tnudg(03) Nudging/relaxation time scale (days) for tracer 03: NO3 3.0000E+00 Tnudg(04) Nudging/relaxation time scale (days) for tracer 04: phytoplankton 3.0000E+00 Tnudg(05) Nudging/relaxation time scale (days) for tracer 05: zooplankton 3.0000E+00 Tnudg(06) Nudging/relaxation time scale (days) for tracer 06: detritus 3.0000E+00 Tnudg(07) Nudging/relaxation time scale (days) for tracer 07: Ldetritus 3.0000E+00 Tnudg(08) Nudging/relaxation time scale (days) for tracer 08: oxygen 3.0000E+00 Tnudg(09) Nudging/relaxation time scale (days) for tracer 09: TIC 3.0000E+00 Tnudg(10) Nudging/relaxation time scale (days) for tracer 10: alkalinity 3.0000E+00 Tnudg(11) Nudging/relaxation time scale (days) for tracer 11: CaCO3 T LtracerSrc(03) Turning ON point sources/Sink on tracer 03: NO3 T LtracerSrc(04) Turning ON point sources/Sink on tracer 04: phytoplankton T LtracerSrc(05) Turning ON point sources/Sink on tracer 05: zooplankton T LtracerSrc(06) Turning ON point sources/Sink on tracer 06: detritus T LtracerSrc(07) Turning ON point sources/Sink on tracer 07: Ldetritus T LtracerSrc(08) Turning ON point sources/Sink on tracer 08: oxygen T LtracerSrc(09) Turning ON point sources/Sink on tracer 09: TIC T LtracerSrc(10) Turning ON point sources/Sink on tracer 10: alkalinity T LtracerSrc(11) Turning ON point sources/Sink on tracer 11: CaCO3 T LtracerCLM(03) Turning ON processing of climatology tracer 03: NO3 T LtracerCLM(04) Turning ON processing of climatology tracer 04: phytoplankton T LtracerCLM(05) Turning ON processing of climatology tracer 05: zooplankton T LtracerCLM(06) Turning ON processing of climatology tracer 06: detritus T LtracerCLM(07) Turning ON processing of climatology tracer 07: Ldetritus T LtracerCLM(08) Turning ON processing of climatology tracer 08: oxygen T LtracerCLM(09) Turning ON processing of climatology tracer 09: TIC T LtracerCLM(10) Turning ON processing of climatology tracer 10: alkalinity T LtracerCLM(11) Turning ON processing of climatology tracer 11: CaCO3 T LnudgeTCLM(03) Turning ON nudging of climatology tracer 03: NO3 T LnudgeTCLM(04) Turning ON nudging of climatology tracer 04: phytoplankton T LnudgeTCLM(05) Turning ON nudging of climatology tracer 05: zooplankton T LnudgeTCLM(06) Turning ON nudging of climatology tracer 06: detritus T LnudgeTCLM(07) Turning ON nudging of climatology tracer 07: Ldetritus T LnudgeTCLM(08) Turning ON nudging of climatology tracer 08: oxygen T LnudgeTCLM(09) Turning ON nudging of climatology tracer 09: TIC T LnudgeTCLM(10) Turning ON nudging of climatology tracer 10: alkalinity T LnudgeTCLM(11) Turning ON nudging of climatology tracer 11: CaCO3 T Hout(idTvar) Write out tracer 03: NO3 T Hout(idTvar) Write out tracer 04: phytoplankton T Hout(idTvar) Write out tracer 05: zooplankton T Hout(idTvar) Write out tracer 06: detritus T Hout(idTvar) Write out tracer 07: Ldetritus T Hout(idTvar) Write out tracer 08: oxygen T Hout(idTvar) Write out tracer 09: TIC T Hout(idTvar) Write out tracer 10: alkalinity T Hout(idTvar) Write out tracer 11: CaCO3 Lateral Boundary Conditions: NLM ============================ Variable Grid West Edge South Edge East Edge North Edge --------- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- zeta 1 Chapman Imp Chapman Imp Closed Chapman Imp ubar 1 Flather Flather Closed Flather vbar 1 Flather Flather Closed Flather u 1 Rad + Nud Rad + Nud Closed Rad + Nud v 1 Rad + Nud Rad + Nud Closed Rad + Nud temp 1 Rad + Nud Rad + Nud Closed Rad + Nud salt 1 Rad + Nud Rad + Nud Closed Rad + Nud NO3 1 Rad + Nud Rad + Nud Closed Rad + Nud phytoplankton 1 Rad + Nud Rad + Nud Closed Rad + Nud zooplankton 1 Rad + Nud Rad + Nud Closed Rad + Nud detritus 1 Rad + Nud Rad + Nud Closed Rad + Nud Ldetritus 1 Rad + Nud Rad + Nud Closed Rad + Nud oxygen 1 Rad + Nud Rad + Nud Closed Rad + Nud TIC 1 Rad + Nud Rad + Nud Closed Rad + Nud alkalinity 1 Rad + Nud Rad + Nud Closed Rad + Nud CaCO3 1 Gradient Gradient Closed Closed tke 1 Rad + Nud Rad + Nud Closed Rad + Nud Activated C-preprocessing Options: U0KB First LiveOcean input file ADD_FSOBC Adding tidal elevation to processed OBC data. ADD_M2OBC Adding tidal currents to processed OBC data. ANA_BPFLUX Analytical bottom passive tracers fluxes. ANA_BSFLUX Analytical kinematic bottom salinity flux. ANA_BTFLUX Analytical kinematic bottom temperature flux. ANA_SPFLUX Analytical surface passive tracer fluxes. ANA_SSFLUX Analytical kinematic surface salinity flux. ASSUMED_SHAPE Using assumed-shape arrays. BULK_FLUXES Surface bulk fluxes parameterization. CANUTO_A Canuto A-stability function formulation. DEFLATE Setting compression in output NetCDF-4/HDF5 files. DJ_GRADPS Parabolic Splines density Jacobian (Shchepetkin, 2002). DOUBLE_PRECISION Double precision arithmetic. GLS_MIXING Generic Length-Scale turbulence closure. HDF5 Creating NetCDF-4/HDF5 format files. LONGWAVE_OUT Compute outgoing longwave radiation internally. MASKING Land/Sea masking. MIX_GEO_TS Mixing of tracers along geopotential surfaces. MPI MPI distributed-memory configuration. NONLINEAR Nonlinear Model. NONLIN_EOS Nonlinear Equation of State for seawater. N2S2_HORAVG Horizontal smoothing of buoyancy and shear. POWER_LAW Power-law shape time-averaging barotropic filter. PROFILE Time profiling activated . K_GSCHEME Third-order upstream advection of TKE fields. RADIATION_2D Use tangential phase speed in radiation conditions. RI_SPLINES Parabolic Spline Reconstruction for Richardson Number. !RST_SINGLE Double precision fields in restart NetCDF file. SALINITY Using salinity. SOLAR_SOURCE Solar Radiation Source Term. SOLVE3D Solving 3D Primitive Equations. SPHERICAL Spherical grid configuration. SSH_TIDES Add tidal elevation to SSH climatology. TS_MPDATA Recursive flux corrected MPDATA 3D advection of tracers. TS_DIF2 Harmonic mixing of tracers. UV_ADV Advection of momentum. UV_COR Coriolis term. UV_U3HADVECTION Third-order upstream horizontal advection of 3D momentum. UV_C4VADVECTION Fourth-order centered vertical advection of momentum. UV_QDRAG Quadratic bottom stress. UV_TIDES Add tidal currents to 2D momentum climatologies. VAR_RHO_2D Variable density barotropic mode. Process Information: Node # 0 (pid= 72813) is active. Node # 2 (pid= 72815) is active. Node # 15 (pid= 72828) is active. Node # 32 (pid= 72845) is active. Node # 1 (pid= 72814) is active. Node #243 (pid= 74952) is active. Node #201 (pid= 88842) is active. Node # 8 (pid= 72821) is active. Node # 62 (pid= 82783) is active. Node #254 (pid= 74963) is active. Node #207 (pid= 88848) is active. Node # 13 (pid= 72826) is active. Node # 63 (pid= 82784) is active. Node #177 (pid= 28881) is active. Node # 20 (pid= 72833) is active. Node # 65 (pid= 82786) is active. Node #180 (pid= 28884) is active. Node #325 (pid= 12308) is active. Node #214 (pid= 88855) is active. Node # 21 (pid= 72834) is active. Node # 66 (pid= 82787) is active. Node #185 (pid= 28889) is active. Node #338 (pid= 12321) is active. Node #200 (pid= 88841) is active. Node # 24 (pid= 72837) is active. Node # 68 (pid= 82789) is active. Node #189 (pid= 28893) is active. Node #256 (pid= 74965) is active. Node #202 (pid= 88843) is active. Node # 27 (pid= 72840) is active. Node # 71 (pid= 82792) is active. Node #160 (pid= 28864) is active. Node #240 (pid= 74949) is active. Node #205 (pid= 88846) is active. Node # 28 (pid= 72841) is active. Node # 75 (pid= 82796) is active. Node #161 (pid= 28865) is active. Node #241 (pid= 74950) is active. Node #342 (pid= 12325) is active. Node #208 (pid= 88849) is active. Node # 30 (pid= 72843) is active. Node # 79 (pid= 82800) is active. Node #163 (pid= 28867) is active. Node #244 (pid= 74953) is active. Node #345 (pid= 12328) is active. Node #209 (pid= 88850) is active. Node # 38 (pid= 72851) is active. Node # 40 (pid= 82761) is active. Node #165 (pid= 28869) is active. Node #245 (pid= 74954) is active. Node #346 (pid= 12329) is active. Node #210 (pid= 88851) is active. Node # 39 (pid= 72852) is active. Node # 41 (pid= 82762) is active. Node #167 (pid= 28871) is active. Node #246 (pid= 74955) is active. Node #347 (pid= 12330) is active. Node #211 (pid= 88852) is active. Node # 4 (pid= 72817) is active. Node # 42 (pid= 82763) is active. Node #168 (pid= 28872) is active. Node #248 (pid= 74957) is active. Node #349 (pid= 12332) is active. Node #212 (pid= 88853) is active. Node # 6 (pid= 72819) is active. Node # 45 (pid= 82766) is active. Node #169 (pid= 28873) is active. Node #249 (pid= 74958) is active. Node #350 (pid= 12333) is active. Node #213 (pid= 88854) is active. Node # 7 (pid= 72820) is active. Node # 46 (pid= 82767) is active. Node #170 (pid= 28874) is active. Node #250 (pid= 74959) is active. Node #351 (pid= 12334) is active. Node #215 (pid= 88856) is active. Node # 9 (pid= 72822) is active. Node # 48 (pid= 82769) is active. Node #171 (pid= 28875) is active. Node #251 (pid= 74960) is active. Node #355 (pid= 12338) is active. Node #216 (pid= 88857) is active. Node # 10 (pid= 72823) is active. Node # 50 (pid= 82771) is active. Node #172 (pid= 28876) is active. Node #252 (pid= 74961) is active. Node #356 (pid= 12339) is active. Node #217 (pid= 88858) is active. Node # 11 (pid= 72824) is active. Node # 51 (pid= 82772) is active. Node #173 (pid= 28877) is active. Node #255 (pid= 74964) is active. Node #359 (pid= 12342) is active. Node #218 (pid= 88859) is active. Node # 12 (pid= 72825) is active. Node # 54 (pid= 82775) is active. Node #175 (pid= 28879) is active. Node #258 (pid= 74967) is active. Node #320 (pid= 12303) is active. Node #219 (pid= 88860) is active. Node # 14 (pid= 72827) is active. Node # 55 (pid= 82776) is active. Node #179 (pid= 28883) is active. Node #259 (pid= 74968) is active. Node #321 (pid= 12304) is active. Node #222 (pid= 88863) is active. Node # 16 (pid= 72829) is active. Node # 57 (pid= 82778) is active. Node #181 (pid= 28885) is active. Node #262 (pid= 74971) is active. Node #322 (pid= 12305) is active. Node #224 (pid= 88865) is active. Node # 18 (pid= 72831) is active. Node # 58 (pid= 82779) is active. Node #182 (pid= 28886) is active. Node #263 (pid= 74972) is active. Node #323 (pid= 12306) is active. Node #229 (pid= 88870) is active. Node # 19 (pid= 72832) is active. Node # 59 (pid= 82780) is active. Node #186 (pid= 28890) is active. Node #265 (pid= 74974) is active. Node #324 (pid= 12307) is active. Node #234 (pid= 88875) is active. Node # 22 (pid= 72835) is active. Node # 60 (pid= 82781) is active. Node #187 (pid= 28891) is active. Node #269 (pid= 74978) is active. Node #326 (pid= 12309) is active. Node #235 (pid= 88876) is active. Node # 23 (pid= 72836) is active. Node # 67 (pid= 82788) is active. Node #188 (pid= 28892) is active. Node #270 (pid= 74979) is active. Node #327 (pid= 12310) is active. Node #236 (pid= 88877) is active. Node # 25 (pid= 72838) is active. Node # 69 (pid= 82790) is active. Node #190 (pid= 28894) is active. Node #271 (pid= 74980) is active. Node #328 (pid= 12311) is active. Node #239 (pid= 88880) is active. Node # 26 (pid= 72839) is active. Node # 70 (pid= 82791) is active. Node #191 (pid= 28895) is active. Node #272 (pid= 74981) is active. Node #329 (pid= 12312) is active. Node #204 (pid= 88845) is active. Node # 29 (pid= 72842) is active. Node # 72 (pid= 82793) is active. Node #192 (pid= 28896) is active. Node #273 (pid= 74982) is active. Node #330 (pid= 12313) is active. Node #206 (pid= 88847) is active. Node # 31 (pid= 72844) is active. Node # 73 (pid= 82794) is active. Node #194 (pid= 28898) is active. Node #279 (pid= 74988) is active. Node #331 (pid= 12314) is active. Node #220 (pid= 88861) is active. Node # 33 (pid= 72846) is active. Node # 74 (pid= 82795) is active. Node #195 (pid= 28899) is active. Node #242 (pid= 74951) is active. Node #332 (pid= 12315) is active. Node #221 (pid= 88862) is active. Node # 34 (pid= 72847) is active. Node # 76 (pid= 82797) is active. Node #199 (pid= 28903) is active. Node #247 (pid= 74956) is active. Node #333 (pid= 12316) is active. Node #223 (pid= 88864) is active. Node # 35 (pid= 72848) is active. Node # 77 (pid= 82798) is active. Node #162 (pid= 28866) is active. Node #253 (pid= 74962) is active. Node #334 (pid= 12317) is active. Node #225 (pid= 88866) is active. Node # 36 (pid= 72849) is active. Node # 78 (pid= 82799) is active. Node #164 (pid= 28868) is active. Node #260 (pid= 74969) is active. Node #335 (pid= 12318) is active. Node #226 (pid= 88867) is active. Node # 37 (pid= 72850) is active. Node # 43 (pid= 82764) is active. Node #166 (pid= 28870) is active. Node #261 (pid= 74970) is active. Node #336 (pid= 12319) is active. Node #227 (pid= 88868) is active. Node # 3 (pid= 72816) is active. Node # 44 (pid= 82765) is active. Node #174 (pid= 28878) is active. Node #264 (pid= 74973) is active. Node #337 (pid= 12320) is active. Node #228 (pid= 88869) is active. Node # 17 (pid= 72830) is active. Node # 47 (pid= 82768) is active. Node #176 (pid= 28880) is active. Node #266 (pid= 74975) is active. Node #339 (pid= 12322) is active. Node #230 (pid= 88871) is active. Node # 49 (pid= 82770) is active. Node #178 (pid= 28882) is active. Node #267 (pid= 74976) is active. Node #340 (pid= 12323) is active. Node #231 (pid= 88872) is active. Node # 52 (pid= 82773) is active. Node #183 (pid= 28887) is active. Node #268 (pid= 74977) is active. Node #343 (pid= 12326) is active. Node #232 (pid= 88873) is active. Node # 53 (pid= 82774) is active. Node #184 (pid= 28888) is active. Node #274 (pid= 74983) is active. Node #344 (pid= 12327) is active. Node #233 (pid= 88874) is active. Node # 56 (pid= 82777) is active. Node #193 (pid= 28897) is active. Node #275 (pid= 74984) is active. Node #348 (pid= 12331) is active. Node #237 (pid= 88878) is active. Node # 61 (pid= 82782) is active. Node #196 (pid= 28900) is active. Node #276 (pid= 74985) is active. Node #352 (pid= 12335) is active. Node #238 (pid= 88879) is active. Node # 64 (pid= 82785) is active. Node #197 (pid= 28901) is active. Node #277 (pid= 74986) is active. Node #353 (pid= 12336) is active. Node #203 (pid= 88844) is active. Node #278 (pid= 74987) is active. Node #354 (pid= 12337) is active. Node #257 (pid= 74966) is active. Node #357 (pid= 12340) is active. Node #358 (pid= 12341) is active. Node # 5 (pid= 72818) is active. Node #283 (pid= 1774) is active. Node # 82 (pid= 93975) is active. Node #198 (pid= 28902) is active. Node #123 (pid= 67719) is active. Node #361 (pid= 39673) is active. Node #287 (pid= 1779) is active. Node #111 (pid= 94004) is active. Node #135 (pid= 67731) is active. Node #362 (pid= 39674) is active. Node #308 (pid= 1802) is active. Node # 87 (pid= 93980) is active. Node #120 (pid= 67716) is active. Node #369 (pid= 39681) is active. Node #280 (pid= 1771) is active. Node # 97 (pid= 93990) is active. Node #121 (pid= 67717) is active. Node #372 (pid= 39684) is active. Node #284 (pid= 1775) is active. Node # 98 (pid= 93991) is active. Node #125 (pid= 67721) is active. Node #360 (pid= 39672) is active. Node #291 (pid= 1783) is active. Node #102 (pid= 93995) is active. Node #131 (pid= 67727) is active. Node #366 (pid= 39678) is active. Node #294 (pid= 1786) is active. Node #112 (pid= 94005) is active. Node #150 (pid= 67746) is active. Node #373 (pid= 39685) is active. Node #295 (pid= 1787) is active. Node #119 (pid= 94012) is active. Node #156 (pid= 67752) is active. Node #381 (pid= 39693) is active. Node #296 (pid= 1789) is active. Node # 88 (pid= 93981) is active. Node #144 (pid= 67740) is active. Node #382 (pid= 39694) is active. Node #299 (pid= 1793) is active. Node # 93 (pid= 93986) is active. Node #148 (pid= 67744) is active. Node #383 (pid= 39695) is active. Node #301 (pid= 1795) is active. Node # 94 (pid= 93987) is active. Node #157 (pid= 67753) is active. Node #386 (pid= 39698) is active. Node #303 (pid= 1797) is active. Node # 99 (pid= 93992) is active. Node #130 (pid= 67726) is active. Node #390 (pid= 39702) is active. Node #304 (pid= 1798) is active. Node # 95 (pid= 93988) is active. Node #154 (pid= 67750) is active. Node #392 (pid= 39704) is active. Node #312 (pid= 1806) is active. Node #101 (pid= 93994) is active. Node #141 (pid= 67737) is active. Node #393 (pid= 39705) is active. Node #318 (pid= 1812) is active. Node #105 (pid= 93998) is active. Node #153 (pid= 67749) is active. Node #394 (pid= 39706) is active. Node #282 (pid= 1773) is active. Node # 84 (pid= 93977) is active. Node #134 (pid= 67730) is active. Node #396 (pid= 39708) is active. Node #290 (pid= 1782) is active. Node # 96 (pid= 93989) is active. Node #138 (pid= 67734) is active. Node #398 (pid= 39710) is active. Node #313 (pid= 1807) is active. Node #104 (pid= 93997) is active. Node #127 (pid= 67723) is active. Node #365 (pid= 39677) is active. Node #315 (pid= 1809) is active. Node #115 (pid= 94008) is active. Node #142 (pid= 67738) is active. Node #367 (pid= 39679) is active. Node #319 (pid= 1813) is active. Node # 80 (pid= 93973) is active. Node #128 (pid= 67724) is active. Node #370 (pid= 39682) is active. Node #285 (pid= 1776) is active. Node # 81 (pid= 93974) is active. Node #136 (pid= 67732) is active. Node #376 (pid= 39688) is active. Node #286 (pid= 1778) is active. Node # 86 (pid= 93979) is active. Node #124 (pid= 67720) is active. Node #378 (pid= 39690) is active. Node #288 (pid= 1780) is active. Node # 89 (pid= 93982) is active. Node #132 (pid= 67728) is active. Node #395 (pid= 39707) is active. Node #302 (pid= 1796) is active. Node # 91 (pid= 93984) is active. Node #137 (pid= 67733) is active. Node #371 (pid= 39683) is active. Node #305 (pid= 1799) is active. Node # 92 (pid= 93985) is active. Node #140 (pid= 67736) is active. Node #385 (pid= 39697) is active. Node #307 (pid= 1801) is active. Node #100 (pid= 93993) is active. Node #147 (pid= 67743) is active. Node #399 (pid= 39711) is active. Node #314 (pid= 1808) is active. Node #108 (pid= 94001) is active. Node #151 (pid= 67747) is active. Node #380 (pid= 39692) is active. Node #316 (pid= 1810) is active. Node #109 (pid= 94002) is active. Node #158 (pid= 67754) is active. Node #384 (pid= 39696) is active. Node #317 (pid= 1811) is active. Node #110 (pid= 94003) is active. Node #159 (pid= 67755) is active. Node #387 (pid= 39699) is active. Node #281 (pid= 1772) is active. Node #113 (pid= 94006) is active. Node #126 (pid= 67722) is active. Node #374 (pid= 39686) is active. Node #298 (pid= 1792) is active. Node #114 (pid= 94007) is active. Node #146 (pid= 67742) is active. Node #375 (pid= 39687) is active. Node #297 (pid= 1790) is active. Node #116 (pid= 94009) is active. Node #149 (pid= 67745) is active. Node #388 (pid= 39700) is active. Node #309 (pid= 1803) is active. Node #118 (pid= 94011) is active. Node #122 (pid= 67718) is active. Node #368 (pid= 39680) is active. Node #289 (pid= 1781) is active. Node # 90 (pid= 93983) is active. Node #133 (pid= 67729) is active. Node #377 (pid= 39689) is active. Node #300 (pid= 1794) is active. Node #103 (pid= 93996) is active. Node #145 (pid= 67741) is active. Node #379 (pid= 39691) is active. Node #293 (pid= 1785) is active. Node #107 (pid= 94000) is active. Node #152 (pid= 67748) is active. Node #389 (pid= 39701) is active. Node #306 (pid= 1800) is active. Node #117 (pid= 94010) is active. Node #155 (pid= 67751) is active. Node #391 (pid= 39703) is active. Node #310 (pid= 1804) is active. Node # 83 (pid= 93976) is active. Node #139 (pid= 67735) is active. Node #397 (pid= 39709) is active. Node #311 (pid= 1805) is active. Node # 85 (pid= 93978) is active. Node #143 (pid= 67739) is active. Node #363 (pid= 39675) is active. Node #292 (pid= 1784) is active. Node #106 (pid= 93999) is active. Node #129 (pid= 67725) is active. Node #364 (pid= 39676) is active. Node #341 (pid= 12324) is active. INITIAL: Configuring and initializing forward nonlinear model ... ******* Vertical S-coordinate System, Grid 01: level S-coord Cs-curve Z at hmin at hc half way at hmax 30 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 29 -0.0333333 -0.0007824 -0.096 -0.171 -2.189 -4.052 28 -0.0666667 -0.0031404 -0.194 -0.349 -8.118 -15.593 27 -0.1000000 -0.0071060 -0.294 -0.536 -17.864 -34.776 26 -0.1333333 -0.0127329 -0.396 -0.730 -31.553 -61.856 25 -0.1666667 -0.0200957 -0.499 -0.934 -49.362 -97.188 24 -0.2000000 -0.0292902 -0.605 -1.146 -71.520 -141.226 23 -0.2333333 -0.0404325 -0.713 -1.369 -98.301 -194.523 22 -0.2666667 -0.0536583 -0.823 -1.602 -130.028 -257.725 21 -0.3000000 -0.0691215 -0.936 -1.846 -167.066 -331.562 20 -0.3333333 -0.0869923 -1.052 -2.102 -209.819 -416.843 19 -0.3666667 -0.1074538 -1.170 -2.371 -258.722 -514.439 18 -0.4000000 -0.1306982 -1.292 -2.653 -314.231 -625.263 17 -0.4333333 -0.1569209 -1.417 -2.951 -376.810 -750.245 16 -0.4666667 -0.1863128 -1.546 -3.265 -446.911 -890.291 15 -0.5000000 -0.2190506 -1.679 -3.595 -524.955 -1046.242 14 -0.5333333 -0.2552847 -1.816 -3.943 -611.299 -1218.813 13 -0.5666667 -0.2951237 -1.956 -4.309 -706.199 -1408.520 12 -0.6000000 -0.3386167 -2.101 -4.693 -809.774 -1615.595 11 -0.6333333 -0.3857328 -2.250 -5.095 -921.948 -1839.894 10 -0.6666667 -0.4363388 -2.403 -5.515 -1042.408 -2080.781 9 -0.7000000 -0.4901756 -2.560 -5.951 -1170.536 -2337.026 8 -0.7333333 -0.5468363 -2.720 -6.401 -1305.367 -2606.694 7 -0.7666667 -0.6057475 -2.883 -6.862 -1445.541 -2887.059 6 -0.8000000 -0.6661589 -3.047 -7.331 -1589.276 -3174.557 5 -0.8333333 -0.7271443 -3.212 -7.802 -1734.373 -3464.782 4 -0.8666667 -0.7876190 -3.376 -8.271 -1878.258 -3752.580 3 -0.9000000 -0.8463790 -3.539 -8.732 -2018.073 -4032.227 2 -0.9333333 -0.9021627 -3.698 -9.177 -2150.822 -4297.726 1 -0.9666667 -0.9537369 -3.852 -9.602 -2273.580 -4543.216 0 -1.0000000 -1.0000000 -4.000 -10.000 -2383.730 -4763.460 Time Splitting Weights for Grid 01: ndtfast = 20 nfast = 29 ================================== Primary Secondary Accumulated to Current Step 1-0.0009651193358779 0.0500000000000000-0.0009651193358779 0.0500000000000000 2-0.0013488780126037 0.0500482559667939-0.0023139973484816 0.1000482559667939 3-0.0011514592651645 0.0501156998674241-0.0034654566136460 0.1501639558342179 4-0.0003735756740661 0.0501732728306823-0.0038390322877122 0.2003372286649002 5 0.0009829200513762 0.0501919516143856-0.0028561122363360 0.2505291802792858 6 0.0029141799764308 0.0501428056118168 0.0000580677400948 0.3006719858911026 7 0.0054132615310267 0.0499970966129952 0.0054713292711215 0.3506690825040978 8 0.0084687837865132 0.0497264335364439 0.0139401130576347 0.4003955160405417 9 0.0120633394191050 0.0493029943471183 0.0260034524767397 0.4496985103876600 10 0.0161716623600090 0.0486998273761630 0.0421751148367486 0.4983983377638230 11 0.0207585511322367 0.0478912442581626 0.0629336659689853 0.5462895820219856 12 0.0257765478740990 0.0468533167015507 0.0887102138430843 0.5931428987235363 13 0.0311633730493853 0.0455644893078458 0.1198735868924696 0.6387073880313821 14 0.0368391158442262 0.0440063206553765 0.1567127027366958 0.6827137086867585 15 0.0427031802506397 0.0421643648631652 0.1994158829873354 0.7248780735499237 16 0.0486309868367616 0.0400292058506332 0.2480468698240970 0.7649072794005569 17 0.0544704302037591 0.0375976565087951 0.3025173000278562 0.8025049359093520 18 0.0600380921294285 0.0348741349986072 0.3625553921572847 0.8373790709079592 19 0.0651152103984763 0.0318722303921358 0.4276706025557610 0.8692513013000949 20 0.0694434033194839 0.0286164698722119 0.4971140058752449 0.8978677711723068 21 0.0727201499285569 0.0251442997062377 0.5698341558038018 0.9230120708785445 22 0.0745940258796570 0.0215082922098099 0.6444281816834588 0.9445203630883544 23 0.0746596950216180 0.0177785909158270 0.7190878767050768 0.9622989540041814 24 0.0724526566618460 0.0140456061647461 0.7915405333669228 0.9763445601689276 25 0.0674437485167025 0.0104229733316538 0.8589842818836253 0.9867675335005814 26 0.0590334053485720 0.0070507859058187 0.9180176872321973 0.9938183194064002 27 0.0465456732896125 0.0040991156383901 0.9645633605218099 0.9979174350447904 28 0.0292219798521905 0.0017718319739095 0.9937853403740005 0.9996892670186999 29 0.0062146596259994 0.0003107329813000 0.9999999999999999 0.9999999999999999 ndtfast, nfast = 20 29 nfast/ndtfast = 1.45000 Centers of gravity and integrals (values must be 1, 1, approx 1/2, 1, 1): 1.000000000000 1.060707743385 0.530353871693 1.000000000000 1.000000000000 Power filter parameters, Fgamma, gamma = 0.28400 0.14200 Metrics information for Grid 01: =============================== Minimum X-grid spacing, DXmin = 4.60509345E-01 km Maximum X-grid spacing, DXmax = 3.33557817E+00 km Minimum Y-grid spacing, DYmin = 5.00031947E-01 km Maximum Y-grid spacing, DYmax = 2.99702367E+00 km Minimum Z-grid spacing, DZmin = 9.61322781E-02 m Maximum Z-grid spacing, DZmax = 2.90225419E+02 m Minimum barotropic Courant Number = 1.32481615E-02 Maximum barotropic Courant Number = 7.10539979E-01 Maximum Coriolis Courant Number = 4.59755974E-03 NLM: GET_STATE - Read state initial conditions, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Grid 01, File:, Rec=0001, Index=1) - free-surface (Min = -9.43752229E-01 Max = 4.83361244E+00) - vertically integrated u-momentum component (Min = -2.40561485E+00 Max = 1.12358701E+00) - vertically integrated v-momentum component (Min = -2.11912107E+00 Max = 2.71011806E+00) - u-momentum component (Min = -2.79036522E+00 Max = 1.26838923E+00) - v-momentum component (Min = -2.25754666E+00 Max = 3.03172159E+00) - potential temperature (Min = -7.60325138E-03 Max = 1.10787497E+01) - salinity (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 3.47262268E+01) - nitrate concentration (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 5.00059891E+01) - phytoplankton concentration (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 7.71931171E+00) - zooplankton concentration (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 6.05881274E-01) - detritus concentration (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 1.65638733E+00) - Ldetritus concentration (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 1.15134016E-01) - dissolved oxygen concentration (Min = 1.10012070E-06 Max = 3.86551361E+02) - total inorganic carbon (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 2.45559619E+03) - total alkalinity (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 2.51658057E+03) - Calcium Carbonate (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) - vertical viscosity coefficient (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 7.22633696E+00) - salinity vertical diffusion coefficient (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 9.69466686E+00) GET_NGFLD - tidal period (Min = 4.30820503E+04 Max = 9.67260857E+04) GET_2DFLD - tidal elevation amplitude (Min = 5.38041435E-02 Max = 1.64080638E+00) GET_2DFLD - tidal elevation phase angle (Min = -2.74934628E+00 Max = 4.94850101E+00) GET_2DFLD - tidal current inclination angle (Min = 5.32332746E-03 Max = 3.14056998E+00) GET_2DFLD - tidal current phase angle (Min = -6.09442354E+00 Max = 6.26528466E+00) GET_2DFLD - maximum tidal current, ellipse major axis (Min = 4.40771480E-04 Max = 8.29164741E-01) GET_2DFLD - minimum tidal current, ellipse minor axis (Min = -1.43152511E-01 Max = 1.75480221E-01) GET_NGFLD - river runoff XI-positions at RHO-points (Min = 1.63000000E+02 Max = 6.41000000E+02) GET_NGFLD - river runoff ETA-positions at RHO-points (Min = 8.30000000E+01 Max = 1.17900000E+03) GET_NGFLD - river runoff direction (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 1.00000000E+00) GET_NGFLD - river runoff mass transport vertical profile (Min = 7.82410043E-04 Max = 6.09853715E-02) GET_NGFLD - river runoff mass transport, t = 19068 12:00:00 (Rec=0000005, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19064.5000 Tmax= 19071.5000) (Min = -7.00913312E+03 Max = 2.33814299E+02) GET_NGFLD - river runoff potential temperature, t = 19068 12:00:00 (Rec=0000005, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19064.5000 Tmax= 19071.5000) (Min = 1.17125000E+00 Max = 8.75000000E+00) GET_NGFLD - river runoff salinity, t = 19068 12:00:00 (Rec=0000005, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19064.5000 Tmax= 19071.5000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_NGFLD - river runoff NO3, t = 19068 12:00:00 (Rec=0000005, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19064.5000 Tmax= 19071.5000) (Min = 5.00000000E+00 Max = 2.71018385E+01) GET_NGFLD - river runoff phytoplankton concentration, t = 19068 12:00:00 (Rec=0000005, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19064.5000 Tmax= 19071.5000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_NGFLD - river runoff zooplankton concentration, t = 19068 12:00:00 (Rec=0000005, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19064.5000 Tmax= 19071.5000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_NGFLD - river runoff detritus, t = 19068 12:00:00 (Rec=0000005, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19064.5000 Tmax= 19071.5000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_NGFLD - river runoff detritus, t = 19068 12:00:00 (Rec=0000005, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19064.5000 Tmax= 19071.5000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_NGFLD - river runoff oxygen, t = 19068 12:00:00 (Rec=0000005, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19064.5000 Tmax= 19071.5000) (Min = 3.50000000E+02 Max = 3.50000000E+02) GET_NGFLD - river runoff TIC, t = 19068 12:00:00 (Rec=0000005, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19064.5000 Tmax= 19071.5000) (Min = 3.00000000E+02 Max = 1.00000000E+03) GET_NGFLD - river runoff alkalinity, t = 19068 12:00:00 (Rec=0000005, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19064.5000 Tmax= 19071.5000) (Min = 3.00000000E+02 Max = 1.00000000E+03) GET_NGFLD - river runoff CaCO3, t = 19068 12:00:00 (Rec=0000005, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19064.5000 Tmax= 19071.5000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_2DFLD - surface u-wind component, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000049, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -9.35778618E+00 Max = 9.24033737E+00) GET_2DFLD - surface v-wind component, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000049, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -7.26814842E+00 Max = 9.99480057E+00) GET_2DFLD - surface air pressure, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000049, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 7.65905518E+02 Max = 1.02288470E+03) GET_2DFLD - solar shortwave radiation flux, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000049, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 2.50306129E-06 Max = 1.08666304E-04) GET_2DFLD - downwelling longwave radiation flux, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000049, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 4.74385243E-05 Max = 8.86643049E-05) GET_2DFLD - surface air temperature, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000049, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -8.25250244E+00 Max = 1.90972595E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air relative humidity, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000049, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 1.28181944E-01 Max = 1.04859886E+00) GET_2DFLD - rain fall rate, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000049, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_NGFLD - free-surface western boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -5.57500049E-02 Max = 1.83083341E-01) GET_NGFLD - free-surface southern boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -3.56666669E-02 Max = 1.32916674E-01) GET_NGFLD - free-surface northern boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 1.11416668E-01 Max = 1.86500013E-01) GET_NGFLD - 2D u-momentum western boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -7.57945868E-02 Max = 2.88396959E-02) GET_NGFLD - 2D v-momentum western boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -4.42221165E-02 Max = 9.16366719E-02) GET_NGFLD - 2D u-momentum southern boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -7.61279476E-02 Max = 2.68351343E-02) GET_NGFLD - 2D v-momentum southern boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -4.42221165E-02 Max = 5.04038044E-02) GET_NGFLD - 2D u-momentum northern boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -1.30770840E-02 Max = 3.64129647E-02) GET_NGFLD - 2D v-momentum northern boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -3.58988120E-02 Max = 1.93065842E-01) GET_NGFLD - 3D u-momentum western boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -2.46958345E-01 Max = 2.24291675E-01) GET_NGFLD - 3D v-momentum western boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -2.37500012E-01 Max = 2.15083346E-01) GET_NGFLD - 3D u-momentum southern boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -2.47416675E-01 Max = 2.10833341E-01) GET_NGFLD - 3D v-momentum southern boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -2.29625002E-01 Max = 3.40208352E-01) GET_NGFLD - 3D u-momentum northern boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -3.47499996E-02 Max = 8.34999979E-02) GET_NGFLD - 3D v-momentum northern boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -6.25833422E-02 Max = 3.63083363E-01) GET_NGFLD - temperature western boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 1.18282268E+00 Max = 1.03034153E+01) GET_NGFLD - salinity western boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 3.20169144E+01 Max = 3.46860008E+01) GET_NGFLD - nitrate western boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 1.95392459E+00 Max = 4.50000000E+01) GET_NGFLD - phytoplankton western boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 1.00000000E-02 Max = 1.00000000E-02) GET_NGFLD - zooplankton western boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 1.00000000E-02 Max = 1.00000000E-02) GET_NGFLD - detritus western boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_NGFLD - L detritus western boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_NGFLD - oxygen western boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 9.69165582E+00 Max = 3.00000000E+02) GET_NGFLD - TIC western boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 2.01769705E+03 Max = 2.45405590E+03) GET_NGFLD - alkalinity western boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 2.22366324E+03 Max = 2.50575158E+03) GET_NGFLD - temperature southern boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 1.24796409E+00 Max = 1.08299999E+01) GET_NGFLD - salinity southern boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 3.11915016E+01 Max = 3.46949997E+01) GET_NGFLD - nitrate southern boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 4.50000000E+01) GET_NGFLD - phytoplankton southern boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 1.00000000E-02 Max = 1.00000000E-02) GET_NGFLD - zooplankton southern boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 1.00000000E-02 Max = 1.00000000E-02) GET_NGFLD - detritus southern boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_NGFLD - detritus southern boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_NGFLD - oxygen southern boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 9.69457263E+00 Max = 3.00000000E+02) GET_NGFLD - TIC southern boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 1.97922351E+03 Max = 2.45402306E+03) GET_NGFLD - alkalinity southern boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 2.18685186E+03 Max = 2.50796730E+03) GET_NGFLD - temperature northern boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 6.46419478E+00 Max = 7.41450069E+00) GET_NGFLD - salinity northern boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 3.19600010E+01 Max = 3.38004150E+01) GET_NGFLD - nitrate northern boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 1.02078426E+00 Max = 3.13265655E+01) GET_NGFLD - phytoplankton northern boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 1.00000000E-02 Max = 1.00000000E-02) GET_NGFLD - zooplankton northern boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 1.00000000E-02 Max = 1.00000000E-02) GET_NGFLD - detritus northern boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_NGFLD - L detritus northern boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_NGFLD - oxygen northern boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 1.13896627E+02 Max = 3.00000000E+02) GET_NGFLD - TIC northern boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 2.00933067E+03 Max = 2.27987521E+03) GET_NGFLD - alkalinity northern boundary condition, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 2.22089826E+03 Max = 2.31030944E+03) GET_2DFLD - sea surface height climatology, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -5.57500049E-02 Max = 2.24000022E-01) GET_2DFLD - vertically integrated u-momentum climatologt = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -2.76146315E-01 Max = 1.49100007E-01) GET_2DFLD - vertically integrated v-momentum climatologt = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -7.85791702E-02 Max = 3.33569062E-01) GET_3DFLD - u-momentum component climatology, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -4.44499999E-01 Max = 4.38500017E-01) GET_3DFLD - v-momentum component climatology, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -2.81583339E-01 Max = 6.23833358E-01) GET_3DFLD - potential temperature climatology, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 1.18282268E+00 Max = 1.08299999E+01) GET_3DFLD - salinity climatology, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 5.56916618E+00 Max = 3.46949997E+01) GET_3DFLD - nitrate concentration climatology, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 4.50000000E+01) GET_3DFLD - phytoplankton concentration climatology, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 1.00000000E-02 Max = 1.00000000E-02) GET_3DFLD - zooplankton concentration climatology, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 1.00000000E-02 Max = 1.00000000E-02) GET_3DFLD - detritus concentration climatology, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_3DFLD - Ldetritus concentration climatology, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_3DFLD - dissolved oxygen concentration climatology,t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 9.68776146E+00 Max = 3.00020753E+02) GET_3DFLD - total inorganic carbon climatology, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 1.26700714E+03 Max = 2.45405590E+03) GET_3DFLD - total alkalinity climatology, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 1.23743415E+03 Max = 2.50796730E+03) GET_3DFLD - Calcium Carbonate climatology, t = 19069 00:00:00 (Rec=0000003, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) Basin information for Grid 01: Maximum grid stiffness ratios: rx0 = 1.500001E-01 (Beckmann and Haidvogel) rx1 = 7.835988E+00 (Haney) Initial basin volumes: TotVolume = 8.5158427006E+14 m3 MinVolume = 2.3593532912E+04 m3 MaxVolume = 1.0013939721E+09 m3 Max/Min = 4.2443578747E+04 NL ROMS/TOMS: started time-stepping: (Grid: 01 TimeSteps: 00000001 - 00002160) GET_NGFLD - river runoff mass transport, t = 19069 12:00:00 (Rec=0000006, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19064.5000 Tmax= 19071.5000) (Min = -7.00913312E+03 Max = 2.33814299E+02) GET_NGFLD - river runoff potential temperature, t = 19069 12:00:00 (Rec=0000006, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19064.5000 Tmax= 19071.5000) (Min = 1.38458333E+00 Max = 8.75000000E+00) GET_NGFLD - river runoff salinity, t = 19069 12:00:00 (Rec=0000006, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19064.5000 Tmax= 19071.5000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_NGFLD - river runoff NO3, t = 19069 12:00:00 (Rec=0000006, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19064.5000 Tmax= 19071.5000) (Min = 5.00000000E+00 Max = 2.68113223E+01) GET_NGFLD - river runoff phytoplankton concentration, t = 19069 12:00:00 (Rec=0000006, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19064.5000 Tmax= 19071.5000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_NGFLD - river runoff zooplankton concentration, t = 19069 12:00:00 (Rec=0000006, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19064.5000 Tmax= 19071.5000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_NGFLD - river runoff detritus, t = 19069 12:00:00 (Rec=0000006, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19064.5000 Tmax= 19071.5000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_NGFLD - river runoff detritus, t = 19069 12:00:00 (Rec=0000006, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19064.5000 Tmax= 19071.5000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_NGFLD - river runoff oxygen, t = 19069 12:00:00 (Rec=0000006, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19064.5000 Tmax= 19071.5000) (Min = 3.50000000E+02 Max = 3.50000000E+02) GET_NGFLD - river runoff TIC, t = 19069 12:00:00 (Rec=0000006, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19064.5000 Tmax= 19071.5000) (Min = 3.00000000E+02 Max = 1.00000000E+03) GET_NGFLD - river runoff alkalinity, t = 19069 12:00:00 (Rec=0000006, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19064.5000 Tmax= 19071.5000) (Min = 3.00000000E+02 Max = 1.00000000E+03) GET_NGFLD - river runoff CaCO3, t = 19069 12:00:00 (Rec=0000006, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19064.5000 Tmax= 19071.5000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_2DFLD - surface u-wind component, t = 19069 00:59:59 (Rec=0000050, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -9.84102631E+00 Max = 1.16430235E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface v-wind component, t = 19069 00:59:59 (Rec=0000050, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -7.46079350E+00 Max = 9.44831944E+00) GET_2DFLD - surface air pressure, t = 19069 00:59:59 (Rec=0000050, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 7.65807861E+02 Max = 1.02279291E+03) GET_2DFLD - solar shortwave radiation flux, t = 19069 00:59:59 (Rec=0000050, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 1.09670356E-06 Max = 7.32514428E-05) GET_2DFLD - downwelling longwave radiation flux, t = 19069 00:59:59 (Rec=0000050, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 4.61254352E-05 Max = 8.86938092E-05) GET_2DFLD - surface air temperature, t = 19069 00:59:59 (Rec=0000050, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -8.62902832E+00 Max = 1.77466736E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air relative humidity, t = 19069 00:59:59 (Rec=0000050, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 2.26615086E-01 Max = 1.12963814E+00) GET_2DFLD - rain fall rate, t = 19069 00:59:59 (Rec=0000050, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_NGFLD - free-surface western boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -6.04166687E-02 Max = 1.77583337E-01) GET_NGFLD - free-surface southern boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -3.94999981E-02 Max = 1.25583336E-01) GET_NGFLD - free-surface northern boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 1.03333332E-01 Max = 1.74833342E-01) GET_NGFLD - 2D u-momentum western boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -8.10811705E-02 Max = 2.99986682E-02) GET_NGFLD - 2D v-momentum western boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -4.18217202E-02 Max = 9.85177849E-02) GET_NGFLD - 2D u-momentum southern boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -7.58101702E-02 Max = 2.61104014E-02) GET_NGFLD - 2D v-momentum southern boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -4.48897363E-02 Max = 4.90285752E-02) GET_NGFLD - 2D u-momentum northern boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -1.03533343E-02 Max = 4.88438913E-02) GET_NGFLD - 2D v-momentum northern boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -3.32047637E-02 Max = 1.71226670E-01) GET_NGFLD - 3D u-momentum western boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -2.46416681E-01 Max = 2.37666689E-01) GET_NGFLD - 3D v-momentum western boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -2.93250024E-01 Max = 2.46666700E-01) GET_NGFLD - 3D u-momentum southern boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -2.35583335E-01 Max = 2.15833351E-01) GET_NGFLD - 3D v-momentum southern boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -2.80875012E-01 Max = 3.28333363E-01) GET_NGFLD - 3D u-momentum northern boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -3.64166684E-02 Max = 9.10000056E-02) GET_NGFLD - 3D v-momentum northern boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -5.97500056E-02 Max = 3.38416696E-01) GET_NGFLD - temperature western boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 1.18274182E+00 Max = 1.04464169E+01) GET_NGFLD - salinity western boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 3.20291634E+01 Max = 3.46860008E+01) GET_NGFLD - nitrate western boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 2.15475663E+00 Max = 4.50000000E+01) GET_NGFLD - phytoplankton western boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 1.00000000E-02 Max = 1.00000000E-02) GET_NGFLD - zooplankton western boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 1.00000000E-02 Max = 1.00000000E-02) GET_NGFLD - detritus western boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_NGFLD - L detritus western boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_NGFLD - oxygen western boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 9.69748943E+00 Max = 3.00000000E+02) GET_NGFLD - TIC western boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 2.01949767E+03 Max = 2.45402231E+03) GET_NGFLD - alkalinity western boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 2.22425832E+03 Max = 2.50575158E+03) GET_NGFLD - temperature southern boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 1.24763979E+00 Max = 1.08237505E+01) GET_NGFLD - salinity southern boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 3.13161659E+01 Max = 3.46949997E+01) GET_NGFLD - nitrate southern boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 4.50000000E+01) GET_NGFLD - phytoplankton southern boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 1.00000000E-02 Max = 1.00000000E-02) GET_NGFLD - zooplankton southern boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 1.00000000E-02 Max = 1.00000000E-02) GET_NGFLD - detritus southern boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_NGFLD - detritus southern boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_NGFLD - oxygen southern boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 9.74667739E+00 Max = 3.00000000E+02) GET_NGFLD - TIC southern boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 1.98268877E+03 Max = 2.45399235E+03) GET_NGFLD - alkalinity southern boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 2.19147121E+03 Max = 2.50796730E+03) GET_NGFLD - temperature northern boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 6.38080123E+00 Max = 7.39934549E+00) GET_NGFLD - salinity northern boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 3.19524174E+01 Max = 3.38330841E+01) GET_NGFLD - nitrate northern boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 8.96444775E-01 Max = 3.22967486E+01) GET_NGFLD - phytoplankton northern boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 1.00000000E-02 Max = 1.00000000E-02) GET_NGFLD - zooplankton northern boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 1.00000000E-02 Max = 1.00000000E-02) GET_NGFLD - detritus northern boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_NGFLD - L detritus northern boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_NGFLD - oxygen northern boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 1.10174049E+02 Max = 3.00000000E+02) GET_NGFLD - TIC northern boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 2.00821586E+03 Max = 2.28467763E+03) GET_NGFLD - alkalinity northern boundary condition, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 2.22052984E+03 Max = 2.31189658E+03) GET_2DFLD - sea surface height climatology, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -6.04166687E-02 Max = 2.02083334E-01) GET_2DFLD - vertically integrated u-momentum climatologt = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -2.67026128E-01 Max = 1.48081672E-01) GET_2DFLD - vertically integrated v-momentum climatologt = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -8.55187520E-02 Max = 2.73538677E-01) GET_3DFLD - u-momentum component climatology, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -4.22500044E-01 Max = 3.81833345E-01) GET_3DFLD - v-momentum component climatology, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -2.93250024E-01 Max = 5.49499989E-01) GET_3DFLD - potential temperature climatology, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 1.18274182E+00 Max = 1.08237505E+01) GET_3DFLD - salinity climatology, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 5.46174955E+00 Max = 3.46949997E+01) GET_3DFLD - nitrate concentration climatology, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 4.50000000E+01) GET_3DFLD - phytoplankton concentration climatology, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 1.00000000E-02 Max = 1.00000000E-02) GET_3DFLD - zooplankton concentration climatology, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 1.00000000E-02 Max = 1.00000000E-02) GET_3DFLD - detritus concentration climatology, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_3DFLD - Ldetritus concentration climatology, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_3DFLD - dissolved oxygen concentration climatology,t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 9.68776146E+00 Max = 3.00020753E+02) GET_3DFLD - total inorganic carbon climatology, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 1.26402131E+03 Max = 2.45405590E+03) GET_3DFLD - total alkalinity climatology, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 1.23345391E+03 Max = 2.50796730E+03) GET_3DFLD - Calcium Carbonate climatology, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000004, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) STEP Day HH:MM:SS KINETIC_ENRG POTEN_ENRG TOTAL_ENRG NET_VOLUME C => (i,j,k) Cu Cv Cw Max Speed 0 19069 00:00:00 3.453217E-03 1.308687E+04 1.308687E+04 8.526178E+14 (367,0462,30) 1.635802E-01 1.165992E-01 0.000000E+00 3.348287E+00 DEF_HIS - creating history file, Grid 01: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_roms/cas6_v0_u0kb/f2022.03.18/ WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) in record = 0000001 GET_2DFLD - surface u-wind component, t = 19069 02:00:00 (Rec=0000051, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -9.83780575E+00 Max = 1.25712891E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface v-wind component, t = 19069 02:00:00 (Rec=0000051, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -7.39920330E+00 Max = 8.73497391E+00) GET_2DFLD - surface air pressure, t = 19069 02:00:00 (Rec=0000051, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 7.65640564E+02 Max = 1.02256384E+03) GET_2DFLD - solar shortwave radiation flux, t = 19069 02:00:00 (Rec=0000051, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 7.07779610E-08 Max = 3.25690052E-05) GET_2DFLD - downwelling longwave radiation flux, t = 19069 02:00:00 (Rec=0000051, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 4.45414320E-05 Max = 8.86547294E-05) GET_2DFLD - surface air temperature, t = 19069 02:00:00 (Rec=0000051, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -1.07476501E+01 Max = 1.50925903E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air relative humidity, t = 19069 02:00:00 (Rec=0000051, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 2.93355618E-01 Max = 1.25285011E+00) GET_2DFLD - rain fall rate, t = 19069 02:00:00 (Rec=0000051, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) 90 19069 01:00:00 3.701699E-03 1.308454E+04 1.308454E+04 8.523641E+14 (640,0360,30) 1.426347E-03 0.000000E+00 5.999552E+00 3.532197E+00 DEF_HIS - creating history file, Grid 01: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_roms/cas6_v0_u0kb/f2022.03.18/ WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) in record = 0000001 GET_2DFLD - surface u-wind component, t = 19069 03:00:00 (Rec=0000052, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -8.77458191E+00 Max = 7.73790836E+00) GET_2DFLD - surface v-wind component, t = 19069 03:00:00 (Rec=0000052, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -6.11003304E+00 Max = 9.10330391E+00) GET_2DFLD - surface air pressure, t = 19069 03:00:00 (Rec=0000052, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 7.68863892E+02 Max = 1.02264331E+03) GET_2DFLD - solar shortwave radiation flux, t = 19069 03:00:00 (Rec=0000052, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_2DFLD - downwelling longwave radiation flux, t = 19069 03:00:00 (Rec=0000052, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 4.41606846E-05 Max = 8.86163379E-05) GET_2DFLD - surface air temperature, t = 19069 03:00:00 (Rec=0000052, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -1.22150574E+01 Max = 1.31155090E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air relative humidity, t = 19069 03:00:00 (Rec=0000052, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 4.18108559E-01 Max = 1.31511414E+00) GET_2DFLD - rain fall rate, t = 19069 03:00:00 (Rec=0000052, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) 180 19069 02:00:00 4.268508E-03 1.308277E+04 1.308278E+04 8.521751E+14 (640,0360,30) 1.422121E-03 0.000000E+00 5.998700E+00 3.364543E+00 DEF_HIS - creating history file, Grid 01: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_roms/cas6_v0_u0kb/f2022.03.18/ WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) in record = 0000001 GET_2DFLD - surface u-wind component, t = 19069 03:59:59 (Rec=0000053, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -9.23012543E+00 Max = 1.07755995E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface v-wind component, t = 19069 03:59:59 (Rec=0000053, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -9.07444859E+00 Max = 9.27264214E+00) GET_2DFLD - surface air pressure, t = 19069 03:59:59 (Rec=0000053, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 7.65797424E+02 Max = 1.02303845E+03) GET_2DFLD - solar shortwave radiation flux, t = 19069 03:59:59 (Rec=0000053, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_2DFLD - downwelling longwave radiation flux, t = 19069 03:59:59 (Rec=0000053, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 4.33071758E-05 Max = 8.86852212E-05) GET_2DFLD - surface air temperature, t = 19069 03:59:59 (Rec=0000053, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -1.24589844E+01 Max = 1.26914978E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air relative humidity, t = 19069 03:59:59 (Rec=0000053, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 4.09218597E-01 Max = 1.36031342E+00) GET_2DFLD - rain fall rate, t = 19069 03:59:59 (Rec=0000053, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) 270 19069 03:00:00 4.726922E-03 1.308200E+04 1.308201E+04 8.520967E+14 (640,0360,30) 1.418601E-03 0.000000E+00 5.997987E+00 3.279718E+00 DEF_HIS - creating history file, Grid 01: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_roms/cas6_v0_u0kb/f2022.03.18/ WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) in record = 0000001 GET_2DFLD - surface u-wind component, t = 19069 05:00:00 (Rec=0000054, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -8.42199898E+00 Max = 8.93747520E+00) GET_2DFLD - surface v-wind component, t = 19069 05:00:00 (Rec=0000054, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -7.90457964E+00 Max = 1.00058498E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air pressure, t = 19069 05:00:00 (Rec=0000054, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 7.65772095E+02 Max = 1.02317877E+03) GET_2DFLD - solar shortwave radiation flux, t = 19069 05:00:00 (Rec=0000054, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_2DFLD - downwelling longwave radiation flux, t = 19069 05:00:00 (Rec=0000054, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 4.12724795E-05 Max = 8.87002876E-05) GET_2DFLD - surface air temperature, t = 19069 05:00:00 (Rec=0000054, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -1.32648926E+01 Max = 1.12109680E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air relative humidity, t = 19069 05:00:00 (Rec=0000054, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 4.30079536E-01 Max = 1.32157867E+00) GET_2DFLD - rain fall rate, t = 19069 05:00:00 (Rec=0000054, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) 360 19069 04:00:00 4.691384E-03 1.308243E+04 1.308244E+04 8.521473E+14 (640,0360,30) 1.416867E-03 0.000000E+00 5.997635E+00 3.195807E+00 DEF_HIS - creating history file, Grid 01: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_roms/cas6_v0_u0kb/f2022.03.18/ WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) in record = 0000001 GET_2DFLD - surface u-wind component, t = 19069 06:00:00 (Rec=0000055, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -7.95073128E+00 Max = 9.79948997E+00) GET_2DFLD - surface v-wind component, t = 19069 06:00:00 (Rec=0000055, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -7.17198706E+00 Max = 1.00972939E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air pressure, t = 19069 06:00:00 (Rec=0000055, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 7.65755249E+02 Max = 1.02312231E+03) GET_2DFLD - solar shortwave radiation flux, t = 19069 06:00:00 (Rec=0000055, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_2DFLD - downwelling longwave radiation flux, t = 19069 06:00:00 (Rec=0000055, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 4.21434823E-05 Max = 8.88330796E-05) GET_2DFLD - surface air temperature, t = 19069 06:00:00 (Rec=0000055, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -1.38764038E+01 Max = 1.09437866E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air relative humidity, t = 19069 06:00:00 (Rec=0000055, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 4.44029427E-01 Max = 1.35164856E+00) GET_2DFLD - rain fall rate, t = 19069 06:00:00 (Rec=0000055, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) 450 19069 05:00:00 4.177662E-03 1.308396E+04 1.308396E+04 8.523141E+14 (640,0360,30) 1.416309E-03 0.000000E+00 5.997520E+00 3.416520E+00 DEF_HIS - creating history file, Grid 01: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_roms/cas6_v0_u0kb/f2022.03.18/ WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) in record = 0000001 GET_2DFLD - surface u-wind component, t = 19069 06:59:59 (Rec=0000056, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -7.72290373E+00 Max = 1.05559978E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface v-wind component, t = 19069 06:59:59 (Rec=0000056, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -6.33050013E+00 Max = 1.10245199E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air pressure, t = 19069 06:59:59 (Rec=0000056, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 7.65772095E+02 Max = 1.02309106E+03) GET_2DFLD - solar shortwave radiation flux, t = 19069 06:59:59 (Rec=0000056, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_2DFLD - downwelling longwave radiation flux, t = 19069 06:59:59 (Rec=0000056, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 4.25634516E-05 Max = 8.88695935E-05) GET_2DFLD - surface air temperature, t = 19069 06:59:59 (Rec=0000056, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -1.29360046E+01 Max = 1.07515869E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air relative humidity, t = 19069 06:59:59 (Rec=0000056, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 4.83845978E-01 Max = 1.33815079E+00) GET_2DFLD - rain fall rate, t = 19069 06:59:59 (Rec=0000056, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) 540 19069 06:00:00 3.581328E-03 1.308619E+04 1.308619E+04 8.525560E+14 (640,0360,30) 1.416632E-03 0.000000E+00 5.997583E+00 3.273086E+00 DEF_HIS - creating history file, Grid 01: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_roms/cas6_v0_u0kb/f2022.03.18/ WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) in record = 0000001 GET_2DFLD - surface u-wind component, t = 19069 08:00:00 (Rec=0000057, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -7.56981850E+00 Max = 9.86682796E+00) GET_2DFLD - surface v-wind component, t = 19069 08:00:00 (Rec=0000057, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -5.16673803E+00 Max = 1.15434761E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air pressure, t = 19069 08:00:00 (Rec=0000057, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 7.65598022E+02 Max = 1.02294415E+03) GET_2DFLD - solar shortwave radiation flux, t = 19069 08:00:00 (Rec=0000057, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_2DFLD - downwelling longwave radiation flux, t = 19069 08:00:00 (Rec=0000057, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 4.23655092E-05 Max = 8.87834967E-05) GET_2DFLD - surface air temperature, t = 19069 08:00:00 (Rec=0000057, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -1.30047607E+01 Max = 1.05087280E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air relative humidity, t = 19069 08:00:00 (Rec=0000057, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 4.99557266E-01 Max = 1.31104721E+00) GET_2DFLD - rain fall rate, t = 19069 08:00:00 (Rec=0000057, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) 630 19069 07:00:00 3.320393E-03 1.308859E+04 1.308859E+04 8.528133E+14 (640,0360,30) 1.417595E-03 0.000000E+00 5.997776E+00 3.028342E+00 DEF_HIS - creating history file, Grid 01: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_roms/cas6_v0_u0kb/f2022.03.18/ WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) in record = 0000001 GET_2DFLD - surface u-wind component, t = 19069 09:00:00 (Rec=0000058, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -6.94542217E+00 Max = 9.61101532E+00) GET_2DFLD - surface v-wind component, t = 19069 09:00:00 (Rec=0000058, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -6.05342722E+00 Max = 1.21044436E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air pressure, t = 19069 09:00:00 (Rec=0000058, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 7.65359436E+02 Max = 1.02276343E+03) GET_2DFLD - solar shortwave radiation flux, t = 19069 09:00:00 (Rec=0000058, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_2DFLD - downwelling longwave radiation flux, t = 19069 09:00:00 (Rec=0000058, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 4.25187724E-05 Max = 8.88252846E-05) GET_2DFLD - surface air temperature, t = 19069 09:00:00 (Rec=0000058, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -1.29777832E+01 Max = 1.03239136E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air relative humidity, t = 19069 09:00:00 (Rec=0000058, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 5.24576187E-01 Max = 1.32172287E+00) GET_2DFLD - rain fall rate, t = 19069 09:00:00 (Rec=0000058, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) 720 19069 08:00:00 3.489452E-03 1.309057E+04 1.309057E+04 8.530226E+14 (640,0360,30) 1.419044E-03 0.000000E+00 5.998067E+00 3.309796E+00 DEF_HIS - creating history file, Grid 01: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_roms/cas6_v0_u0kb/f2022.03.18/ WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) in record = 0000001 GET_2DFLD - surface u-wind component, t = 19069 09:59:59 (Rec=0000059, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -7.32281876E+00 Max = 8.81960773E+00) GET_2DFLD - surface v-wind component, t = 19069 09:59:59 (Rec=0000059, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -5.02804422E+00 Max = 1.27413826E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air pressure, t = 19069 09:59:59 (Rec=0000059, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 7.65207214E+02 Max = 1.02268976E+03) GET_2DFLD - solar shortwave radiation flux, t = 19069 09:59:59 (Rec=0000059, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_2DFLD - downwelling longwave radiation flux, t = 19069 09:59:59 (Rec=0000059, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 4.23527058E-05 Max = 8.88606090E-05) GET_2DFLD - surface air temperature, t = 19069 09:59:59 (Rec=0000059, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -1.36815491E+01 Max = 1.01227417E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air relative humidity, t = 19069 09:59:59 (Rec=0000059, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 5.27023010E-01 Max = 1.31466843E+00) GET_2DFLD - rain fall rate, t = 19069 09:59:59 (Rec=0000059, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) 810 19069 09:00:00 3.798564E-03 1.309165E+04 1.309165E+04 8.531337E+14 (640,0360,30) 1.420835E-03 0.000000E+00 5.998428E+00 3.253327E+00 DEF_HIS - creating history file, Grid 01: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_roms/cas6_v0_u0kb/f2022.03.18/ WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) in record = 0000001 GET_2DFLD - surface u-wind component, t = 19069 11:00:00 (Rec=0000060, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -6.95625877E+00 Max = 9.76141167E+00) GET_2DFLD - surface v-wind component, t = 19069 11:00:00 (Rec=0000060, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -5.42824364E+00 Max = 1.40830088E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air pressure, t = 19069 11:00:00 (Rec=0000060, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 7.64940674E+02 Max = 1.02253760E+03) GET_2DFLD - solar shortwave radiation flux, t = 19069 11:00:00 (Rec=0000060, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_2DFLD - downwelling longwave radiation flux, t = 19069 11:00:00 (Rec=0000060, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 4.41263514E-05 Max = 8.87701210E-05) GET_2DFLD - surface air temperature, t = 19069 11:00:00 (Rec=0000060, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -1.33553772E+01 Max = 9.96640015E+00) GET_2DFLD - surface air relative humidity, t = 19069 11:00:00 (Rec=0000060, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 5.28619614E-01 Max = 1.33726639E+00) GET_2DFLD - rain fall rate, t = 19069 11:00:00 (Rec=0000060, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) 900 19069 10:00:00 3.890585E-03 1.309156E+04 1.309156E+04 8.531218E+14 (640,0360,30) 1.422903E-03 0.000000E+00 5.998844E+00 3.332339E+00 DEF_HIS - creating history file, Grid 01: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_roms/cas6_v0_u0kb/f2022.03.18/ WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) in record = 0000001 GET_2DFLD - surface u-wind component, t = 19069 12:00:00 (Rec=0000061, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -7.29656982E+00 Max = 9.64982033E+00) GET_2DFLD - surface v-wind component, t = 19069 12:00:00 (Rec=0000061, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -5.18362331E+00 Max = 1.44327898E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air pressure, t = 19069 12:00:00 (Rec=0000061, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 7.64789062E+02 Max = 1.02244952E+03) GET_2DFLD - solar shortwave radiation flux, t = 19069 12:00:00 (Rec=0000061, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_2DFLD - downwelling longwave radiation flux, t = 19069 12:00:00 (Rec=0000061, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 4.41377597E-05 Max = 8.86587317E-05) GET_2DFLD - surface air temperature, t = 19069 12:00:00 (Rec=0000061, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -1.34486084E+01 Max = 9.92797852E+00) GET_2DFLD - surface air relative humidity, t = 19069 12:00:00 (Rec=0000061, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 5.05551796E-01 Max = 1.29951447E+00) GET_2DFLD - rain fall rate, t = 19069 12:00:00 (Rec=0000061, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) 990 19069 11:00:00 3.707555E-03 1.309036E+04 1.309036E+04 8.529941E+14 (640,0360,30) 1.425087E-03 0.000000E+00 5.999285E+00 3.191017E+00 DEF_HIS - creating history file, Grid 01: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_roms/cas6_v0_u0kb/f2022.03.18/ WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) in record = 0000001 GET_2DFLD - surface u-wind component, t = 19069 12:59:59 (Rec=0000062, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -7.84475803E+00 Max = 9.06768990E+00) GET_2DFLD - surface v-wind component, t = 19069 12:59:59 (Rec=0000062, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -4.66541481E+00 Max = 1.36544342E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air pressure, t = 19069 12:59:59 (Rec=0000062, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 7.64654114E+02 Max = 1.02209216E+03) GET_2DFLD - solar shortwave radiation flux, t = 19069 12:59:59 (Rec=0000062, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_2DFLD - downwelling longwave radiation flux, t = 19069 12:59:59 (Rec=0000062, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 4.50439297E-05 Max = 8.85908657E-05) GET_2DFLD - surface air temperature, t = 19069 12:59:59 (Rec=0000062, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -1.36233521E+01 Max = 9.76492310E+00) GET_2DFLD - surface air relative humidity, t = 19069 12:59:59 (Rec=0000062, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 5.26097870E-01 Max = 1.27316246E+00) GET_2DFLD - rain fall rate, t = 19069 12:59:59 (Rec=0000062, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) 1080 19069 12:00:00 3.525162E-03 1.308839E+04 1.308840E+04 8.527862E+14 (640,0360,30) 1.426993E-03 0.000000E+00 5.999671E+00 3.298388E+00 DEF_HIS - creating history file, Grid 01: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_roms/cas6_v0_u0kb/f2022.03.18/ WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) in record = 0000001 GET_NGFLD - river runoff mass transport, t = 19070 12:00:00 (Rec=0000007, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19064.5000 Tmax= 19071.5000) (Min = -7.00913312E+03 Max = 2.33814299E+02) GET_NGFLD - river runoff potential temperature, t = 19070 12:00:00 (Rec=0000007, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19064.5000 Tmax= 19071.5000) (Min = 1.93166667E+00 Max = 8.95384615E+00) GET_NGFLD - river runoff salinity, t = 19070 12:00:00 (Rec=0000007, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19064.5000 Tmax= 19071.5000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_NGFLD - river runoff NO3, t = 19070 12:00:00 (Rec=0000007, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19064.5000 Tmax= 19071.5000) (Min = 5.00000000E+00 Max = 2.65195355E+01) GET_NGFLD - river runoff phytoplankton concentration, t = 19070 12:00:00 (Rec=0000007, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19064.5000 Tmax= 19071.5000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_NGFLD - river runoff zooplankton concentration, t = 19070 12:00:00 (Rec=0000007, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19064.5000 Tmax= 19071.5000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_NGFLD - river runoff detritus, t = 19070 12:00:00 (Rec=0000007, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19064.5000 Tmax= 19071.5000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_NGFLD - river runoff detritus, t = 19070 12:00:00 (Rec=0000007, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19064.5000 Tmax= 19071.5000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_NGFLD - river runoff oxygen, t = 19070 12:00:00 (Rec=0000007, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19064.5000 Tmax= 19071.5000) (Min = 3.50000000E+02 Max = 3.50000000E+02) GET_NGFLD - river runoff TIC, t = 19070 12:00:00 (Rec=0000007, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19064.5000 Tmax= 19071.5000) (Min = 3.00000000E+02 Max = 1.00000000E+03) GET_NGFLD - river runoff alkalinity, t = 19070 12:00:00 (Rec=0000007, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19064.5000 Tmax= 19071.5000) (Min = 3.00000000E+02 Max = 1.00000000E+03) GET_NGFLD - river runoff CaCO3, t = 19070 12:00:00 (Rec=0000007, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19064.5000 Tmax= 19071.5000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_2DFLD - surface u-wind component, t = 19069 14:00:00 (Rec=0000063, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -8.26687813E+00 Max = 8.60987663E+00) GET_2DFLD - surface v-wind component, t = 19069 14:00:00 (Rec=0000063, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -5.57469559E+00 Max = 1.35380907E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air pressure, t = 19069 14:00:00 (Rec=0000063, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 7.64529297E+02 Max = 1.02182672E+03) GET_2DFLD - solar shortwave radiation flux, t = 19069 14:00:00 (Rec=0000063, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) GET_2DFLD - downwelling longwave radiation flux, t = 19069 14:00:00 (Rec=0000063, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 4.56405286E-05 Max = 8.84747036E-05) GET_2DFLD - surface air temperature, t = 19069 14:00:00 (Rec=0000063, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -1.36442871E+01 Max = 9.86456299E+00) GET_2DFLD - surface air relative humidity, t = 19069 14:00:00 (Rec=0000063, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 5.00819664E-01 Max = 1.30279388E+00) GET_2DFLD - rain fall rate, t = 19069 14:00:00 (Rec=0000063, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) 1170 19069 13:00:00 3.653818E-03 1.308618E+04 1.308618E+04 8.525554E+14 (640,0360,30) 1.427567E-03 0.000000E+00 5.999791E+00 3.454948E+00 DEF_HIS - creating history file, Grid 01: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_roms/cas6_v0_u0kb/f2022.03.18/ WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) in record = 0000001 GET_2DFLD - surface u-wind component, t = 19069 15:00:00 (Rec=0000064, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -9.72617912E+00 Max = 9.04334831E+00) GET_2DFLD - surface v-wind component, t = 19069 15:00:00 (Rec=0000064, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -4.60216331E+00 Max = 1.42939959E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air pressure, t = 19069 15:00:00 (Rec=0000064, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 7.64715027E+02 Max = 1.02204584E+03) GET_2DFLD - solar shortwave radiation flux, t = 19069 15:00:00 (Rec=0000064, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 1.83741005E-05) GET_2DFLD - downwelling longwave radiation flux, t = 19069 15:00:00 (Rec=0000064, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 4.62995662E-05 Max = 8.82737838E-05) GET_2DFLD - surface air temperature, t = 19069 15:00:00 (Rec=0000064, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -1.27851868E+01 Max = 9.88275146E+00) GET_2DFLD - surface air relative humidity, t = 19069 15:00:00 (Rec=0000064, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 4.60641708E-01 Max = 1.19268272E+00) GET_2DFLD - rain fall rate, t = 19069 15:00:00 (Rec=0000064, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) 1260 19069 14:00:00 4.116933E-03 1.308431E+04 1.308431E+04 8.523648E+14 (640,0360,30) 1.425295E-03 0.000000E+00 5.999340E+00 3.235303E+00 DEF_HIS - creating history file, Grid 01: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_roms/cas6_v0_u0kb/f2022.03.18/ WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) in record = 0000001 GET_2DFLD - surface u-wind component, t = 19069 15:59:59 (Rec=0000065, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -1.04504747E+01 Max = 9.69072914E+00) GET_2DFLD - surface v-wind component, t = 19069 15:59:59 (Rec=0000065, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -5.12472963E+00 Max = 1.44711628E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air pressure, t = 19069 15:59:59 (Rec=0000065, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 7.64449036E+02 Max = 1.02199695E+03) GET_2DFLD - solar shortwave radiation flux, t = 19069 15:59:59 (Rec=0000065, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 5.09101163E-07 Max = 6.70186803E-05) GET_2DFLD - downwelling longwave radiation flux, t = 19069 15:59:59 (Rec=0000065, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 4.41984104E-05 Max = 8.80874890E-05) GET_2DFLD - surface air temperature, t = 19069 15:59:59 (Rec=0000065, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -1.11755676E+01 Max = 9.73141479E+00) GET_2DFLD - surface air relative humidity, t = 19069 15:59:59 (Rec=0000065, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 3.79324875E-01 Max = 1.12089760E+00) GET_2DFLD - rain fall rate, t = 19069 15:59:59 (Rec=0000065, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) 1350 19069 15:00:00 4.591642E-03 1.308328E+04 1.308328E+04 8.522665E+14 (640,0360,30) 1.421081E-03 0.000000E+00 5.998491E+00 3.228300E+00 DEF_HIS - creating history file, Grid 01: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_roms/cas6_v0_u0kb/f2022.03.18/ WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) in record = 0000001 GET_2DFLD - surface u-wind component, t = 19069 17:00:00 (Rec=0000066, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -1.15758772E+01 Max = 1.09894238E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface v-wind component, t = 19069 17:00:00 (Rec=0000066, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -4.55108500E+00 Max = 1.45805740E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air pressure, t = 19069 17:00:00 (Rec=0000066, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 7.64443176E+02 Max = 1.02188751E+03) GET_2DFLD - solar shortwave radiation flux, t = 19069 17:00:00 (Rec=0000066, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 6.34420921E-07 Max = 1.08190008E-04) GET_2DFLD - downwelling longwave radiation flux, t = 19069 17:00:00 (Rec=0000066, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 4.63127586E-05 Max = 8.77983479E-05) GET_2DFLD - surface air temperature, t = 19069 17:00:00 (Rec=0000066, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -9.48446655E+00 Max = 1.06568298E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air relative humidity, t = 19069 17:00:00 (Rec=0000066, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 3.63155022E-01 Max = 1.09583763E+00) GET_2DFLD - rain fall rate, t = 19069 17:00:00 (Rec=0000066, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) 1440 19069 16:00:00 4.678761E-03 1.308337E+04 1.308338E+04 8.522880E+14 (640,0360,30) 1.418020E-03 0.000000E+00 5.997869E+00 3.354525E+00 DEF_HIS - creating history file, Grid 01: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_roms/cas6_v0_u0kb/f2022.03.18/ WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) in record = 0000001 GET_2DFLD - surface u-wind component, t = 19069 18:00:00 (Rec=0000067, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -1.28192558E+01 Max = 1.06011562E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface v-wind component, t = 19069 18:00:00 (Rec=0000067, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -4.97735214E+00 Max = 1.50040703E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air pressure, t = 19069 18:00:00 (Rec=0000067, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 7.64617249E+02 Max = 1.02179938E+03) GET_2DFLD - solar shortwave radiation flux, t = 19069 18:00:00 (Rec=0000067, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 9.50469897E-07 Max = 1.42644415E-04) GET_2DFLD - downwelling longwave radiation flux, t = 19069 18:00:00 (Rec=0000067, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 4.79136647E-05 Max = 8.77213479E-05) GET_2DFLD - surface air temperature, t = 19069 18:00:00 (Rec=0000067, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -9.84561157E+00 Max = 1.27545166E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air relative humidity, t = 19069 18:00:00 (Rec=0000067, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 3.04304962E-01 Max = 1.08518929E+00) GET_2DFLD - rain fall rate, t = 19069 18:00:00 (Rec=0000067, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) 1530 19069 17:00:00 4.303288E-03 1.308459E+04 1.308459E+04 8.524247E+14 (640,0360,30) 1.416625E-03 0.000000E+00 5.997585E+00 3.054198E+00 DEF_HIS - creating history file, Grid 01: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_roms/cas6_v0_u0kb/f2022.03.18/ WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) in record = 0000001 GET_2DFLD - surface u-wind component, t = 19069 18:59:59 (Rec=0000068, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -1.33734541E+01 Max = 1.06599131E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface v-wind component, t = 19069 18:59:59 (Rec=0000068, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -5.90483618E+00 Max = 1.51012478E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air pressure, t = 19069 18:59:59 (Rec=0000068, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 7.64539978E+02 Max = 1.02179883E+03) GET_2DFLD - solar shortwave radiation flux, t = 19069 18:59:59 (Rec=0000068, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 3.77966787E-06 Max = 1.65399115E-04) GET_2DFLD - downwelling longwave radiation flux, t = 19069 18:59:59 (Rec=0000068, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 5.02745245E-05 Max = 8.77423091E-05) GET_2DFLD - surface air temperature, t = 19069 18:59:59 (Rec=0000068, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -9.48953247E+00 Max = 1.46370850E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air relative humidity, t = 19069 18:59:59 (Rec=0000068, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 7.47996712E-02 Max = 1.19326675E+00) GET_2DFLD - rain fall rate, t = 19069 18:59:59 (Rec=0000068, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) 1620 19069 18:00:00 3.800959E-03 1.308659E+04 1.308660E+04 8.526426E+14 (640,0360,30) 1.416344E-03 0.000000E+00 5.997526E+00 3.337097E+00 DEF_HIS - creating history file, Grid 01: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_roms/cas6_v0_u0kb/f2022.03.18/ WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) in record = 0000001 GET_2DFLD - surface u-wind component, t = 19069 20:00:00 (Rec=0000069, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -1.34617062E+01 Max = 9.28949928E+00) GET_2DFLD - surface v-wind component, t = 19069 20:00:00 (Rec=0000069, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -6.71923733E+00 Max = 1.48356476E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air pressure, t = 19069 20:00:00 (Rec=0000069, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 7.64730652E+02 Max = 1.02151880E+03) GET_2DFLD - solar shortwave radiation flux, t = 19069 20:00:00 (Rec=0000069, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 1.19771903E-06 Max = 1.77662793E-04) GET_2DFLD - downwelling longwave radiation flux, t = 19069 20:00:00 (Rec=0000069, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 5.15424108E-05 Max = 8.76281668E-05) GET_2DFLD - surface air temperature, t = 19069 20:00:00 (Rec=0000069, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -9.41210938E+00 Max = 1.56699219E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air relative humidity, t = 19069 20:00:00 (Rec=0000069, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -7.89641647E-01 Max = 1.24504440E+00) GET_2DFLD - rain fall rate, t = 19069 20:00:00 (Rec=0000069, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) 1710 19069 19:00:00 3.587514E-03 1.308888E+04 1.308888E+04 8.528857E+14 (640,0360,30) 1.416858E-03 0.000000E+00 5.997629E+00 3.064664E+00 DEF_HIS - creating history file, Grid 01: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_roms/cas6_v0_u0kb/f2022.03.18/ WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) in record = 0000001 GET_2DFLD - surface u-wind component, t = 19069 21:00:00 (Rec=0000070, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -1.17998791E+01 Max = 9.12591171E+00) GET_2DFLD - surface v-wind component, t = 19069 21:00:00 (Rec=0000070, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -8.23561001E+00 Max = 1.49218330E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air pressure, t = 19069 21:00:00 (Rec=0000070, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 7.64734558E+02 Max = 1.02088959E+03) GET_2DFLD - solar shortwave radiation flux, t = 19069 21:00:00 (Rec=0000070, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 6.39948134E-07 Max = 1.74016313E-04) GET_2DFLD - downwelling longwave radiation flux, t = 19069 21:00:00 (Rec=0000070, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 5.00178352E-05 Max = 8.75747239E-05) GET_2DFLD - surface air temperature, t = 19069 21:00:00 (Rec=0000070, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -8.83102417E+00 Max = 1.72811890E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air relative humidity, t = 19069 21:00:00 (Rec=0000070, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -3.22817459E-01 Max = 1.14237747E+00) GET_2DFLD - rain fall rate, t = 19069 21:00:00 (Rec=0000070, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) 1800 19069 20:00:00 3.798695E-03 1.309085E+04 1.309085E+04 8.530892E+14 (640,0360,30) 1.417960E-03 0.000000E+00 5.997850E+00 3.269064E+00 DEF_HIS - creating history file, Grid 01: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_roms/cas6_v0_u0kb/f2022.03.18/ WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) in record = 0000001 GET_2DFLD - surface u-wind component, t = 19069 21:59:59 (Rec=0000071, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -1.12233973E+01 Max = 9.11771774E+00) GET_2DFLD - surface v-wind component, t = 19069 21:59:59 (Rec=0000071, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -9.18300438E+00 Max = 1.45631714E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air pressure, t = 19069 21:59:59 (Rec=0000071, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 7.64325317E+02 Max = 1.02022375E+03) GET_2DFLD - solar shortwave radiation flux, t = 19069 21:59:59 (Rec=0000071, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 6.16406237E-07 Max = 1.57883707E-04) GET_2DFLD - downwelling longwave radiation flux, t = 19069 21:59:59 (Rec=0000071, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 4.93130862E-05 Max = 8.84519469E-05) GET_2DFLD - surface air temperature, t = 19069 21:59:59 (Rec=0000071, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -8.51248169E+00 Max = 1.81961060E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air relative humidity, t = 19069 21:59:59 (Rec=0000071, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -8.25001907E-01 Max = 1.07302109E+00) GET_2DFLD - rain fall rate, t = 19069 21:59:59 (Rec=0000071, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) 1890 19069 21:00:00 4.172111E-03 1.309198E+04 1.309198E+04 8.531979E+14 (640,0360,30) 1.419499E-03 0.000000E+00 5.998159E+00 3.219780E+00 DEF_HIS - creating history file, Grid 01: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_roms/cas6_v0_u0kb/f2022.03.18/ WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) in record = 0000001 GET_2DFLD - surface u-wind component, t = 19069 23:00:00 (Rec=0000072, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -1.27703705E+01 Max = 9.40521240E+00) GET_2DFLD - surface v-wind component, t = 19069 23:00:00 (Rec=0000072, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -9.39453602E+00 Max = 1.54999533E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air pressure, t = 19069 23:00:00 (Rec=0000072, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 7.64007629E+02 Max = 1.01989642E+03) GET_2DFLD - solar shortwave radiation flux, t = 19069 23:00:00 (Rec=0000072, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 4.31558461E-07 Max = 1.28285914E-04) GET_2DFLD - downwelling longwave radiation flux, t = 19069 23:00:00 (Rec=0000072, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 4.82062245E-05 Max = 8.86137196E-05) GET_2DFLD - surface air temperature, t = 19069 23:00:00 (Rec=0000072, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -8.28524780E+00 Max = 1.79478149E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air relative humidity, t = 19069 23:00:00 (Rec=0000072, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 7.28026152E-02 Max = 1.05525352E+00) GET_2DFLD - rain fall rate, t = 19069 23:00:00 (Rec=0000072, Index=2, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) 1980 19069 22:00:00 4.294326E-03 1.309195E+04 1.309195E+04 8.531808E+14 (640,0360,30) 1.421334E-03 0.000000E+00 5.998529E+00 3.073318E+00 DEF_HIS - creating history file, Grid 01: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_roms/cas6_v0_u0kb/f2022.03.18/ WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) in record = 0000001 GET_2DFLD - surface u-wind component, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000073, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -1.28561869E+01 Max = 9.05040169E+00) GET_2DFLD - surface v-wind component, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000073, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -9.68419361E+00 Max = 1.43825655E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air pressure, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000073, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 7.65000916E+02 Max = 1.01935657E+03) GET_2DFLD - solar shortwave radiation flux, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000073, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 2.91262481E-06 Max = 1.01567158E-04) GET_2DFLD - downwelling longwave radiation flux, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000073, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 4.68626099E-05 Max = 8.85088610E-05) GET_2DFLD - surface air temperature, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000073, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = -8.38067627E+00 Max = 1.73772888E+01) GET_2DFLD - surface air relative humidity, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000073, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 2.00319386E-01 Max = 1.01279167E+00) GET_2DFLD - rain fall rate, t = 19070 00:00:00 (Rec=0000073, Index=1, File: (Tmin= 19067.0000 Tmax= 19070.0000) (Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00) 2070 19069 23:00:00 4.026350E-03 1.309072E+04 1.309073E+04 8.530392E+14 (640,0360,30) 1.423330E-03 0.000000E+00 5.998931E+00 2.833139E+00 DEF_HIS - creating history file, Grid 01: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_roms/cas6_v0_u0kb/f2022.03.18/ WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) in record = 0000001 2160 19070 00:00:00 3.648427E-03 1.308861E+04 1.308861E+04 8.528056E+14 (640,0360,30) 1.425082E-03 0.000000E+00 5.999286E+00 2.612159E+00 DEF_HIS - creating history file, Grid 01: /gscratch/macc/parker/LO_roms/cas6_v0_u0kb/f2022.03.18/ WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) in record = 0000001 Elapsed CPU time (seconds): Node # 0 CPU: 2132.189 Node # 1 CPU: 2142.498 Node # 2 CPU: 2141.423 Node # 3 CPU: 2134.412 Node # 4 CPU: 2142.598 Node # 5 CPU: 2142.110 Node # 6 CPU: 2141.938 Node # 7 CPU: 2142.674 Node # 8 CPU: 2140.730 Node # 9 CPU: 2142.624 Node # 40 CPU: 2138.520 Node #160 CPU: 2141.069 Node #120 CPU: 2140.449 Node #360 CPU: 2139.092 Node #320 CPU: 2139.889 Node # 10 CPU: 2142.999 Node # 41 CPU: 2141.434 Node #161 CPU: 2142.627 Node #121 CPU: 2134.627 Node # 11 CPU: 2143.038 Node # 42 CPU: 2142.323 Node #162 CPU: 2135.671 Node #122 CPU: 2142.300 Node # 12 CPU: 2142.984 Node # 43 CPU: 2141.394 Node #163 CPU: 2143.028 Node #123 CPU: 2142.097 Node # 13 CPU: 2142.923 Node # 44 CPU: 2141.970 Node # 80 CPU: 2139.884 Node #164 CPU: 2143.125 Node #124 CPU: 2141.884 Node #321 CPU: 2141.596 Node # 14 CPU: 2142.809 Node #280 CPU: 2139.388 Node # 45 CPU: 2140.608 Node # 81 CPU: 2134.603 Node #165 CPU: 2143.163 Node #125 CPU: 2142.228 Node #361 CPU: 2133.862 Node #240 CPU: 2139.431 Node #322 CPU: 2141.503 Node # 15 CPU: 2142.746 Node #281 CPU: 2141.071 Node # 46 CPU: 2142.386 Node # 82 CPU: 2142.890 Node #166 CPU: 2143.509 Node #126 CPU: 2141.828 Node #362 CPU: 2142.002 Node #241 CPU: 2140.492 Node #323 CPU: 2135.168 Node # 16 CPU: 2142.658 Node #282 CPU: 2142.484 Node # 47 CPU: 2134.154 Node # 83 CPU: 2142.549 Node #167 CPU: 2143.645 Node #127 CPU: 2141.139 Node #363 CPU: 2141.848 Node #242 CPU: 2141.492 Node #324 CPU: 2141.139 Node # 17 CPU: 2142.322 Node #283 CPU: 2141.374 Node # 48 CPU: 2142.406 Node # 84 CPU: 2142.996 Node #168 CPU: 2143.643 Node #128 CPU: 2142.490 Node #364 CPU: 2142.220 Node #243 CPU: 2142.378 Node #325 CPU: 2142.572 Node # 18 CPU: 2142.968 Node #284 CPU: 2141.973 Node # 49 CPU: 2142.429 Node # 85 CPU: 2142.867 Node #169 CPU: 2143.274 Node #129 CPU: 2142.216 Node #365 CPU: 2142.134 Node #244 CPU: 2142.361 Node #326 CPU: 2142.509 Node # 19 CPU: 2142.747 Node #285 CPU: 2142.310 Node # 50 CPU: 2142.296 Node # 86 CPU: 2143.044 Node #170 CPU: 2141.598 Node #130 CPU: 2142.367 Node #366 CPU: 2142.235 Node #245 CPU: 2142.480 Node #327 CPU: 2142.325 Node # 20 CPU: 2141.897 Node #286 CPU: 2142.866 Node # 51 CPU: 2143.113 Node # 87 CPU: 2143.307 Node #171 CPU: 2143.644 Node #131 CPU: 2143.051 Node #367 CPU: 2142.062 Node #246 CPU: 2142.385 Node #328 CPU: 2142.442 Node # 21 CPU: 2142.424 Node #287 CPU: 2142.334 Node # 52 CPU: 2142.823 Node # 88 CPU: 2142.989 Node #172 CPU: 2142.614 Node #132 CPU: 2143.344 Node #368 CPU: 2142.190 Node #247 CPU: 2142.259 Node #329 CPU: 2142.673 Node # 22 CPU: 2143.046 Node #288 CPU: 2142.268 Node # 53 CPU: 2142.282 Node # 89 CPU: 2143.162 Node #173 CPU: 2142.289 Node #133 CPU: 2143.369 Node #369 CPU: 2141.171 Node #248 CPU: 2142.659 Node #330 CPU: 2142.426 Node # 23 CPU: 2142.497 Node #289 CPU: 2142.495 Node # 54 CPU: 2142.614 Node # 90 CPU: 2143.270 Node #174 CPU: 2143.393 Node #134 CPU: 2143.081 Node #370 CPU: 2142.276 Node #249 CPU: 2142.536 Node #331 CPU: 2142.552 Node # 24 CPU: 2142.857 Node #290 CPU: 2142.826 Node # 55 CPU: 2142.653 Node # 91 CPU: 2143.094 Node #175 CPU: 2143.475 Node #135 CPU: 2142.561 Node #371 CPU: 2142.446 Node #250 CPU: 2141.116 Node #332 CPU: 2141.904 Node # 25 CPU: 2143.139 Node #291 CPU: 2135.732 Node # 56 CPU: 2142.332 Node # 92 CPU: 2142.000 Node #176 CPU: 2143.592 Node #136 CPU: 2143.093 Node #372 CPU: 2142.428 Node #251 CPU: 2142.604 Node #333 CPU: 2141.852 Node # 26 CPU: 2143.094 Node #292 CPU: 2142.559 Node # 57 CPU: 2143.011 Node # 93 CPU: 2143.324 Node #177 CPU: 2143.443 Node #137 CPU: 2143.418 Node #373 CPU: 2142.024 Node #252 CPU: 2142.985 Node #334 CPU: 2142.525 Node # 27 CPU: 2143.269 Node #293 CPU: 2143.001 Node # 58 CPU: 2142.225 Node # 94 CPU: 2143.281 Node #178 CPU: 2143.304 Node #138 CPU: 2143.061 Node #374 CPU: 2142.508 Node #253 CPU: 2142.724 Node #335 CPU: 2142.826 Node # 28 CPU: 2143.433 Node #294 CPU: 2142.002 Node # 59 CPU: 2143.011 Node # 95 CPU: 2142.714 Node #179 CPU: 2143.923 Node #139 CPU: 2143.278 Node #375 CPU: 2141.811 Node #254 CPU: 2141.734 Node #336 CPU: 2142.676 Node # 29 CPU: 2143.230 Node #295 CPU: 2141.821 Node # 60 CPU: 2141.417 Node # 96 CPU: 2143.246 Node #180 CPU: 2142.547 Node #140 CPU: 2142.403 Node #376 CPU: 2142.631 Node #255 CPU: 2142.485 Node #337 CPU: 2142.536 Node # 30 CPU: 2143.173 Node #296 CPU: 2142.686 Node # 61 CPU: 2142.701 Node # 97 CPU: 2143.099 Node #181 CPU: 2142.608 Node #141 CPU: 2142.305 Node #377 CPU: 2142.424 Node #256 CPU: 2135.458 Node #338 CPU: 2142.710 Node # 31 CPU: 2143.470 Node #297 CPU: 2142.590 Node # 62 CPU: 2143.519 Node # 98 CPU: 2143.194 Node #182 CPU: 2143.201 Node #142 CPU: 2143.601 Node #378 CPU: 2141.719 Node #257 CPU: 2142.894 Node #339 CPU: 2142.943 Node # 32 CPU: 2143.568 Node #298 CPU: 2142.798 Node # 63 CPU: 2142.700 Node # 99 CPU: 2143.346 Node #183 CPU: 2143.408 Node #143 CPU: 2143.180 Node #379 CPU: 2142.735 Node #258 CPU: 2142.605 Node #340 CPU: 2142.238 Node # 33 CPU: 2143.522 Node #299 CPU: 2141.451 Node # 64 CPU: 2143.495 Node #100 CPU: 2142.484 Node #184 CPU: 2143.583 Node #144 CPU: 2143.284 Node #380 CPU: 2142.106 Node #259 CPU: 2142.781 Node #341 CPU: 2143.296 Node # 34 CPU: 2143.624 Node #300 CPU: 2142.691 Node # 65 CPU: 2143.473 Node #101 CPU: 2141.894 Node #185 CPU: 2143.103 Node #145 CPU: 2143.632 Node #381 CPU: 2142.930 Node #260 CPU: 2141.670 Node #342 CPU: 2143.061 Node # 35 CPU: 2143.736 Node #301 CPU: 2142.847 Node # 66 CPU: 2143.268 Node #102 CPU: 2142.511 Node #186 CPU: 2143.545 Node #146 CPU: 2143.933 Node #382 CPU: 2142.774 Node #261 CPU: 2142.064 Node #343 CPU: 2143.375 Node # 36 CPU: 2143.250 Node #302 CPU: 2142.923 Node # 67 CPU: 2143.606 Node #103 CPU: 2143.053 Node #187 CPU: 2143.454 Node #147 CPU: 2143.596 Node #383 CPU: 2141.342 Node #262 CPU: 2142.698 Node #344 CPU: 2143.189 Node # 37 CPU: 2143.483 Node #303 CPU: 2143.513 Node # 68 CPU: 2143.472 Node #104 CPU: 2143.026 Node #188 CPU: 2143.815 Node #148 CPU: 2143.697 Node #384 CPU: 2143.132 Node #263 CPU: 2142.759 Node #345 CPU: 2143.461 Node # 38 CPU: 2143.639 Node #304 CPU: 2143.490 Node # 69 CPU: 2143.253 Node #105 CPU: 2143.152 Node #189 CPU: 2143.980 Node #149 CPU: 2143.361 Node #385 CPU: 2142.564 Node #264 CPU: 2143.264 Node #346 CPU: 2143.684 Node # 39 CPU: 2143.308 Node #305 CPU: 2143.815 Node # 70 CPU: 2143.492 Node #106 CPU: 2143.145 Node #190 CPU: 2143.826 Node #150 CPU: 2143.823 Node #386 CPU: 2142.809 Node #265 CPU: 2143.106 Node #347 CPU: 2143.595 Node #306 CPU: 2143.782 Node # 71 CPU: 2144.094 Node #107 CPU: 2142.139 Node #191 CPU: 2143.885 Node #151 CPU: 2143.463 Node #387 CPU: 2143.062 Node #266 CPU: 2143.121 Node #348 CPU: 2142.545 Node #307 CPU: 2144.049 Node # 72 CPU: 2144.057 Node #108 CPU: 2143.562 Node #192 CPU: 2144.062 Node #152 CPU: 2144.051 Node #388 CPU: 2143.241 Node #267 CPU: 2143.048 Node #349 CPU: 2143.522 Node #308 CPU: 2143.998 Node # 73 CPU: 2143.801 Node #109 CPU: 2143.434 Node #193 CPU: 2143.623 Node #153 CPU: 2144.132 Node #389 CPU: 2142.935 Node #268 CPU: 2143.111 Node #350 CPU: 2143.376 Node #309 CPU: 2144.044 Node # 74 CPU: 2143.867 Node #110 CPU: 2143.567 Node #194 CPU: 2143.912 Node #154 CPU: 2144.273 Node #390 CPU: 2143.261 Node #269 CPU: 2143.448 Node #351 CPU: 2143.491 Node #310 CPU: 2144.071 Node # 75 CPU: 2143.935 Node #111 CPU: 2143.076 Node #195 CPU: 2143.506 Node #155 CPU: 2144.457 Node #391 CPU: 2143.173 Node #270 CPU: 2143.470 Node #352 CPU: 2143.547 Node #311 CPU: 2143.999 Node # 76 CPU: 2143.746 Node #112 CPU: 2143.726 Node #196 CPU: 2143.676 Node #156 CPU: 2143.104 Node #392 CPU: 2143.246 Node #271 CPU: 2143.059 Node #353 CPU: 2143.662 Node #312 CPU: 2143.889 Node # 77 CPU: 2143.993 Node #113 CPU: 2144.009 Node #197 CPU: 2143.832 Node #157 CPU: 2144.123 Node #393 CPU: 2143.453 Node #272 CPU: 2143.194 Node #354 CPU: 2143.693 Node #313 CPU: 2143.963 Node # 78 CPU: 2144.263 Node #114 CPU: 2143.586 Node #198 CPU: 2144.038 Node #158 CPU: 2144.349 Node #394 CPU: 2143.358 Node #273 CPU: 2143.526 Node #355 CPU: 2143.838 Node #314 CPU: 2144.291 Node # 79 CPU: 2143.705 Node #115 CPU: 2143.829 Node #199 CPU: 2143.742 Node #159 CPU: 2143.870 Node #395 CPU: 2143.528 Node #274 CPU: 2143.482 Node #356 CPU: 2143.911 Node #315 CPU: 2144.162 Node #116 CPU: 2143.504 Node #396 CPU: 2143.243 Node #275 CPU: 2143.491 Node #357 CPU: 2143.655 Node #316 CPU: 2144.057 Node #117 CPU: 2143.854 Node #397 CPU: 2142.756 Node #276 CPU: 2143.560 Node #358 CPU: 2143.965 Node #317 CPU: 2144.036 Node #118 CPU: 2143.941 Node #398 CPU: 2143.437 Node #277 CPU: 2143.579 Node #359 CPU: 2143.572 Node #318 CPU: 2144.177 Node #119 CPU: 2143.754 Node #399 CPU: 2143.364 Node #278 CPU: 2143.298 Node #319 CPU: 2143.949 Node #279 CPU: 2143.537 Total: 857065.574 Nonlinear model elapsed time profile, Grid: 01 Allocation and array initialization .............. 46.856 ( 0.0055 %) Ocean state initialization ....................... 18.107 ( 0.0021 %) Reading of input data ............................ 17202.386 ( 2.0071 %) Processing of input data ......................... 72682.866 ( 8.4804 %) Computation of vertical boundary conditions ...... 332.206 ( 0.0388 %) Computation of global information integrals ...... 49.280 ( 0.0057 %) Writing of output data ........................... 401863.660 (46.8883 %) Model 2D kernel .................................. 22244.469 ( 2.5954 %) Tidal forcing .................................... 3737.288 ( 0.4361 %) 2D/3D coupling, vertical metrics ................. 3494.342 ( 0.4077 %) Omega vertical velocity .......................... 2217.327 ( 0.2587 %) Equation of state for seawater ................... 4471.865 ( 0.5218 %) Biological module, source/sink terms ............. 12113.486 ( 1.4134 %) Atmosphere-Ocean bulk flux parameterization ...... 3706.842 ( 0.4325 %) GLS vertical mixing parameterization ............. 38906.709 ( 4.5395 %) 3D equations right-side terms .................... 5715.822 ( 0.6669 %) 3D equations predictor step ...................... 35943.798 ( 4.1938 %) Pressure gradient ................................ 2298.251 ( 0.2682 %) Harmonic mixing of tracers, geopotentials ........ 11230.797 ( 1.3104 %) Corrector time-step for 3D momentum .............. 6102.086 ( 0.7120 %) Corrector time-step for tracers .................. 200532.593 (23.3976 %) Total: 844911.037 98.5818 Nonlinear model message Passage profile, Grid: 01 Message Passage: 2D halo exchanges ............... 70141.183 ( 8.1839 %) Message Passage: 3D halo exchanges ............... 15824.230 ( 1.8463 %) Message Passage: 4D halo exchanges ............... 55779.109 ( 6.5081 %) Message Passage: data broadcast .................. 358851.193 (41.8697 %) Message Passage: data reduction .................. 40.605 ( 0.0047 %) Message Passage: data gathering .................. 33445.384 ( 3.9023 %) Message Passage: data scattering.................. 10243.657 ( 1.1952 %) Message Passage: boundary data gathering ......... 2500.325 ( 0.2917 %) Total: 546825.687 63.8021 All percentages are with respect to total time = 857065.574 Node #200 CPU: 2139.478 Node #201 CPU: 2142.465 Node #202 CPU: 2142.253 Node #203 CPU: 2142.683 Node #204 CPU: 2142.877 Node #205 CPU: 2142.725 Node #206 CPU: 2142.424 Node #207 CPU: 2142.247 Node #208 CPU: 2142.761 Node #209 CPU: 2142.598 Node #210 CPU: 2143.147 Node #211 CPU: 2141.409 Node #212 CPU: 2143.112 Node #213 CPU: 2135.726 Node #214 CPU: 2142.699 Node #215 CPU: 2142.159 Node #216 CPU: 2142.714 Node #217 CPU: 2141.027 Node #218 CPU: 2141.963 Node #219 CPU: 2143.294 Node #220 CPU: 2142.305 Node #221 CPU: 2143.068 Node #222 CPU: 2143.032 Node #223 CPU: 2142.969 Node #224 CPU: 2143.022 Node #225 CPU: 2143.213 Node #226 CPU: 2142.772 Node #227 CPU: 2143.406 Node #228 CPU: 2143.327 Node #229 CPU: 2143.269 Node #230 CPU: 2143.536 Node #231 CPU: 2143.514 Node #232 CPU: 2143.548 Node #233 CPU: 2143.577 Node #234 CPU: 2143.558 Node #235 CPU: 2143.762 Node #236 CPU: 2143.460 Node #237 CPU: 2143.818 Node #238 CPU: 2143.554 Node #239 CPU: 2143.121 ROMS/TOMS - Output NetCDF summary for Grid 01: number of time records written in HISTORY file = 00000001 Analytical header files used: ROMS/Functionals/ana_btflux.h ROMS/Functionals/ana_stflux.h Biology model header files used: ROMS/Nonlinear/Biology/npzd2o_banas.h ROMS/TOMS: DONE... Wednesday - March 16, 2022 - 5:20:21 AM